Tuesday, before his address to the mayors of Normandy in Grand Bourgtheroulde, during which he promised a "great national debate without taboos", Emmanuel Macron met local officials of the small town of Gasny, calling before them to "more empowering" people in difficulty, "because there are some who are well and there are those who are disconnected".

"Make people act." During this surprise stage in the small town of Eure, the head of state has spoken to twenty members of the city council during a meeting behind closed doors. After having, according to Le Figaro , mentioned the issue of retirement or the reform of the SNCF, Emmanuel Macron then raised the issue of poverty, calling for "to make people are actors".

"The strategy against poverty (...) is to tell people 'you are not pawns that move'," he said. "Our society, what it told us here is 'when things are imposed on me, I do not understand them anymore or I do not have a say, I do not want to participate anymore' . And to add: "part of the treatment of poverty is in people who live in poverty by empowering them, helping them to get by considering them." She is not in the face to face between those who would benefit on one side and those who would be the milk cows on the other. "

"People in difficult situations, we will make them more responsible because there are some who do well and there are some who 'disconnects'", concluded Emmanuel Macron.

The opposition denounces "the contempt" of Emmanuel Macron. This new declaration did not fail to make react the opposition, the boss of the PS estimating that "the president did not understand anything.His way of throwing the weakest food is unbearable". On the side of the Republicans, the Valérie Boyer MP denounced the "contempt for the French" of the head of state.

Emmanuel #Macron wants to "empower" people in "difficulty" because "there are some who do well and there are some who discourage" according to him ... the year 2019 begins as it ended. Debates are opening but still the same contempt for the French!

- Valérie Boyer (@ valerieboyer13) January 15, 2019

"Every time there is renewed mobilization, it is because Emmanuel Macron expresses himself.This is true systematically.That he is silent!", Reacted Ugo Bernalicis (LFI), in front of the press in the corridors of the National Assembly