Moscow investigators are investigating the circumstances of the death of Zhenya, a 7-year-old child with a disability. He died on March 12 from a cardiac arrest in an apartment building on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya street. The boy suffered from several congenital diseases, including autism. The apartment, where the child was raised by a single mother and grandmother, was completely overwhelmed with garbage.

The Investigative Committee of Russia began checking upon the death of the boy, and a forensic examination was scheduled. It also checks information about the inappropriate conditions in which the child was raised.

“Previously, according to the mother, it was established that the child lived with the mother and grandmother. He received medical care and was monitored by doctors, he also received the necessary care for his illness at home, ”the SC said.

The Lefortovo interdistrict prosecutor's office is checking on the fact of the death of a juvenile boy in an apartment in the south-east of the capital, RT told the Moscow prosecutor's office. If there are grounds for the results of the inspection, prosecutor’s response measures will be taken.

Many media already carry out analogies with the recent case, when in a cluttered apartment in the north of Moscow they found a girl abandoned by her mother alone without food or water. Recall that a five-year-old child was discovered on March 11 in a state of exhaustion. Her mother was sent to jail for two months.

Meanwhile, a law enforcement source told RT that Zhenya’s situation has nothing to do with the girl’s story.

“Unlike the case of a girl, here the child was really monitored and looked after. Another thing is that the boy suffered from a serious illness, from which, according to preliminary data, he died, the source explained. “Moreover, the family was not even registered.”

The situation with the death of a boy with a disability in Moscow will also be checked by the Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, Yevgeny Bunimovich. The children's ombudsman reported that his office was clarifying the details of the family in the relevant departments.

Rubbish everywhere

Zhenya's parents are divorced, the boy lived in the same apartment with his mother Anna and grandmother Lydia Pushkina. As the neighbors of Pushkins told journalists, the boy’s mother appeared at home extremely rarely, usually Grandma Lydia was in the apartment.

However, on March 12, Zhenya's mother was at home. According to her, in the morning she went into her son's room, hearing his wheeze. The woman tried to revive him, but to no avail. The doctors who arrived home to Pushkin ascertained the death of the child. According to doctors, the boy died as a result of cardiac arrest.

“On the morning of March 12 of this year, in the apartment of one of the houses on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya discovered the corpse of a 7-year-old boy without visible signs of violent death, who suffered from childhood autism, and delayed intellectual and verbal development, ”the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office said.

On the rubble of debris and the conditions of complete lack of sanitation in the apartment where the disabled child was growing, medical workers who came to the call on the day of the boy's death told TASS.

The neighbors of the Pushkins say that the grandmother of the deceased boy suffers from hoarding syndrome and every evening brought a bag of garbage to the house.

Not registered

Zhenya's father, Grigory Bogdanov, did not live with his family. According to him, his son banned him from ex-wife. At the same time, the man claims that he knew that his son lives in bad conditions, but could not do anything - the guardianship authorities allegedly ignored his constant appeals.

As Zhenya’s grandfather told reporters, the boy’s father had appealed to all instances, including the Moscow city prosecutor’s office.

Neighbors also tried to attract the attention of the competent authorities to the Pushkins' family - they told reporters that the rubble in the apartment had led to cockroaches in the entrance. It took several trucks and more than one day to take all the trash out of the Pushkins apartments.

According to a source in the guardianship, the Pushkin family was not registered as unfavorable. The City Department of Labor and Social Protection did not provide operational comments to the RT editorial.