The Iraqi Foreign Ministry today asked the US Embassy in Baghdad to delete a publication it described as the "abuser" of Iran, specifically targeting Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The external publication was considered an excess of diplomatic norms and international rules governing the operation of missions in host States.

This came against the backdrop of what the US Embassy in Iraq posted on its social networking pages Facebook last Thursday that Khamenei's wealth is estimated at $ 200 billion and that "corruption is rampant in all parts of the Iranian regime."

The embassy publication said that Khamenei retained this huge wealth while many of his people are suffering from poverty because of the dire economic situation reached by Iran after 40 years of "rule of the mullahs."

"Iraq adopts a policy based on fundamental principles that its territory should not be a conduit or a platform for harming neighboring countries or friendly countries or harming any of them, whether by means of media, economic, commercial, military or security," the statement said.

He considered that what the US Embassy did through its publication contradicts the nature of its work in the host country in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and International Customs.

Despite the Iraqi claim, the publication is still on the official page of the US Embassy in Baghdad until Sunday morning, and the embassy did not issue any comment on the Iraqi request to delete it.

The Shiite political forces within the alliances in support of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi during the past two days, its categorical rejection of the positions of the US Embassy in Baghdad towards the leaders of Tehran.

Last Friday, the Fatah Alliance (the second largest bloc in parliament), led by Badr Hadi al-Amiri, called on the government to summon the acting US ambassador and hand him a strong protest note.

In a statement, the coalition called the US embassy's acting representative, Joe Hood, an undesirable person. He added that there is a determination of this person and the successor of the Zionist will suspicious to bypass the law and diplomatic norms, and to provoke the feelings of Iraqis and the tension between the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.