- What do you think about the new criminal case, which brought against William Browder?

- As far as I can understand from today's news, a criminal case was initiated last week under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code "Organization of the criminal community."

In my opinion, it was long overdue that Browder’s activities should not be considered in separate episodes of his crimes, but as a whole, based on the organizing role that he performed.

Even while abroad, from the end of 2005, he still managed assets illegally acquired in Russia, Gazprom shares. Almost on the same day, 300 million shares of Gazprom were withdrawn to Cyprus to the accounts of companies controlled by Browder. Dividends were later distributed in favor of American investors. This is what I know from my own investigation.

Another, more sensational thing: today we first heard from the supervisory authority that Magnitsky’s death could not have been accidental.

As with the theft of money, which Browder himself organized, and with the succession of deaths of the executors of this tax fraud: Korobeinikov, Hasanov, Kurochkin and Magnitsky. They all died, fulfilling a certain role, at the moment when they became dangerous as witnesses. In the case of Magnitsky, the goal was to harden the lobbying campaign already beginning in the West about the sacrificial image of Browder in Russia.

- So you suspect that Browder could have been involved in the death of Sergei Magnitsky?

- In this case, I can not only suspect. I have been dealing with this situation since 2013. This is the first thing that occurred to me when I realized that Browder was lying about his, so to speak, moral obligations to Magnitsky. He did not know this man at all. Magnitsky himself in his testimony said that he had seen him literally a couple of times.

The name Magnitsky was first heard from Browder’s lips only in the summer of 2009 during his speech at the Helsinki Commission, when he only managed to enlist the support of Senator Ben Cardin. That is, the person has already been imprisoned for 9 months, no one showed any interest in him. And then suddenly Browder mentions Magnitsky as his “tax consultant,” says he was arrested. That time he said nothing more about him.

Then, unexpectedly, Magnitsky began to show symptoms associated with pain in the pancreas and liver. Doctors, as we know from the case file, begin to examine it, find certain chronic diseases associated with pancreatitis, and so on. It seems to be nothing complicated.

But numerous testimonies in this case indicate that from time to time Magnitsky brought medicines from outside. By November 13, when the last court hearing on the extension of the term was held in the Tverskoy court, he was already in a permanent regime in the medical unit in Butyrka.

After the end of the process, his state of health deteriorated sharply, the doctors of Butyrka alarmed. On November 16, Magnitsky was sent to the hospital with “Matrosskaya Tishina”, realizing that they themselves could not cope with his bouts of pain. There Magnitsky died without waiting for help.

- What role did Browder play in this story?

“You and I are well aware that Browder did not personally go himself and gave Magnitsky some kind of poison or pill.” I say that Browder is a systemic organizer of actions.

I do not exclude the option that he could send to Magnitsky someone who would give him poison. I think that the pills could be transferred even through relatives and lawyers, who certainly could not know about it.

- What was the death of Magnitsky to Browder?

- We must not forget that Magnitsky never, during his time in custody, spoke of any tax-related crimes, about these 4 billion, not even once.

The only time he signed a document that someone brought to him in electronic form. It is not known who it was, because there are no computers in Butyrka, and there he could not manufacture it. That is, a month before his death, October 13, Magnitsky signed an electronic document.

And right after that, his pancreatitis is sharply exacerbated, the pains are exacerbated and he dies. And almost immediately after his death, in December 2009, Browder comes out with his author’s article that his lawyer was killed.

The death of Russian businessman Alexander Perepelichnogo, who collaborated with Browder is another vivid example. He also performed his mission in the same way, providing financial documents, and then he became just an unnecessary and dangerous witness for Browder’s group.

Quite by accident, while jogging, Perepelichnom felt bad. All symptoms were exactly the same as described in medical documents on Magnitsky. It was a sharp acute heart failure. And, as experts explain, that in one, that in another case, the size of the heart was exceeded one and a half to two times the normal size.

- How do you think events will develop now?

- The very fact that Russia, for the first time since 2010, has questioned the non-criminal nature of Magnitsky’s death, I am sure, this act will be regarded in the West in a completely perverted sense.

I think that our state now has to hear a lot of impartial, scabrous, caustic things and sarcastic attacks against it on this occasion. But the caravan goes, and let the dog barks.