The Russians continue to consider Ukrainians a fraternal people, said the first deputy chairman of the committee of the Federation Council on international affairs, Vladimir Jabarov. So he commented on the words of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Batkivshchyna Party, Ivan Krulko, who said that the fraternal relations between the peoples of the two countries would be restored only if Kiev became a vassal of Moscow.

According to Dzhabarov, only the current leadership of Ukraine, and not its population, considers Russia to be the enemy.

“All Russians see in Ukrainians people who are close to themselves in spirit. Our relations will only improve when the Ukrainian government refuses to support the nationalists and extremists, who keep the entire population of the country in fear, ”said Jabarov in an interview with RT.

“When Ukraine refuses to make constant sanctions attempts to punish our country and to call for new sanctions against Russia, then they will understand that we are a people who wish the Ukrainians only good,” the senator added.

In March, the Ukrainian television channel NewsOne published the results of a survey of residents of the country, according to which 98% of respondents said they were positive about Russians. In total, about 20 thousand people were polled.

In turn, State Duma deputy from the Republic of Crimea Ruslan Balbek noted that Ukrainian politicians have long been telling that in Moscow they allegedly “do not sleep at night thinking about how to select Ukrainian self-identity.”

“A Ukrainian deputy is trying to show how he wants to become a vassal of the West. That is why it declares Russia’s “claims” to the most sacred - Ukrainian independence, ”the parliamentarian stressed.

He added that since the collapse of the USSR and until the coup d'etat of 2014, Moscow provided significant support to Kiev, trying to ignore some unfriendly steps of the Ukrainian side.

“In Kiev, such loyalty was not appreciated, and now, in order to hide the mistakes of its economic and political activities, a good reason has been chosen - the external enemy in the person of Russia. Perhaps someone will believe the deputy, and someone will laugh, ”explained Balbec in an interview with RT.

Recall that earlier the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Batkivshchyna party, Ivan Krulko, called the “condition” supposedly necessary to restore fraternal relations between Russians and Ukrainians. According to Krulko, this will happen only if the Ukrainians agree to become "vassals of Russia", which allegedly wants to "revive the empire."

“We dream of being independent ... If we agree to be vassals of Russia and agree with the loss of independence, then we will become a brotherly people again for them,” said the people's deputy on the TV channel NewsOne.

According to him, the Kiev authorities should protect the national interests of Ukraine, which in many respects differ from the interests of the Russian Federation. Along with this, he supported the statement of the elected president of the country, Vladimir Zelensky, that at present Ukraine and Russia “only the state border remained from the general”.

“What else can we have in common with the country, which beat itself in the chest and told that it is friendly and fraternal, and then meanly attacked Ukraine? And before that, she waged various kinds of wars against Ukraine: informational, economic, energy, and any kind of war, ”said Krulko.

At the same time, on the eve of the deputy of the Rada from the party “Opposition platform - For Life”, Vadim Rabinovich expressed the opinion that the elected president of Ukraine should refuse to continue the “hate line”, since the community of the two states was broken not by ordinary people, but by “irresponsible politicians”.

In turn, Yury Boyko, who took the fourth place in the last presidential elections, added that they are waiting for peace from the new president, and not for a repetition of the rhetoric of the Poroshenko regime.

"In Ukraine, did not get rid of the patient logic"

According to the State Duma deputy from Sevastopol, Dmitry Belik, statements such as those voiced by the Rada deputy are dictated by the desire to serve the western "partners", primarily the United States.

“The fate of Ukraine and its inhabitants care little for overseas curators. The general history, economic cooperation, millions of mixed families throughout Russia and Ukraine, the mutual penetration of languages ​​— all these are called “vassal dependence” by supporters of the State Department, the interlocutor emphasized.

Mutually beneficial cooperation does not mean the loss of independence and the subordination of one state to another, added political analyst and economist Alexander Dudchak. According to him, Russia and Ukraine have enough common interests, including economic ones. The expert noted that Ukrainian politicians can not get rid of their "sick logic".

“This is a kind of rhetoric of outgoing power. Apparently, they will break into parliament with the same slogans. With such speeches, Ukraine will not be able to become a free and steadily developing state, ”said the expert in a conversation with RT.