Karim Adel - Cairo

Extension and arrogance .. This outcome left by the approval of the Egyptian parliament Tuesday by a majority to pass amendments to the Constitution of Egypt issued in 2014, and no consolation to the constitutional principles that are wasted according to warnings repeated by opposition deputies under the dome, and it seems that everyone will be waiting for the word of the people!

The Council approved the amendment of 14 old articles focused on the monitoring of "Al Jazeera Net" to grant the current Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi third mandate, increasing the powers of the army, and legalize the trial of civilians militarily, and put the career rise of the judges appointments of the President of the Republic.

While the amendments introduced by the Council introduced ten new articles of the Constitution, including the establishment of a Senate and the selection of a Vice-President.

This is the fifth time Egypt's legislative chambers have passed amendments to the constitution. Amendments to the Egyptian Constitution were made in 1980, 2005, 2007 and 2014.

But these amendments are widely rejected by the opposition, especially abroad, led by a "false" campaign, and constant criticism from Egyptians across platforms, amid campaigns supported by the government to promote a vote of yes.

Highlights of the final amendments:

First: the survival of the president
It was decided that the term of the Presidency of the Republic would be six-year effective from the current period, with the current President giving a third chance to run.

The 2014 constitution sets only two terms for the president, and Sisi came in the first period between 2014 and 2018, and was installed for a second and final term between 2018 and 2022.

The amendments, which were approved by the Egyptian presidency, included five articles.

Article (140) of the first paragraph approved the deputies to elect the President of the Republic for six calendar years, starting from the day following the expiration of the predecessor, and may not take the presidency for more than two consecutive presidential terms.

"The term of the current president expires at the end of six years from the date of his election as President of the Republic in 2018. He may be re-elected for a second time."

The amendments, after approval, granted the President of the Republic the power to appoint one or more deputies in Article 150 bis, provided that according to Article 160 of the first paragraph, the deputy shall exercise his role if there is a temporary impediment without the President of the Republic exercising his powers or the Prime Minister In the absence of a Vice-President of the Republic or the inability to replace him, as defined in Article (160) last paragraph prohibited to replace the President of the Republic of the interim.

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Second: Control of the judiciary
The amendments included the judiciary, which was approved by the Council, as well as four articles, in which it was noted that the President of the Republic controlled the decisions of appointment and career advancement in judicial bodies.

In Article 185, the President of the Republic appoints the heads of the judicial bodies and bodies out of the five nominated by the Supreme Councils among the oldest of their seven deputies.

In addition, the Supreme Council of Jurisdictions and Authorities shall be chaired by the President of the Republic and replaced by the President of the Republic.

In Article (189) second paragraph, the Public Prosecution shall be appointed by a Public Prosecutor by a decision to be appointed by the President of the Republic, out of three nominated by the Supreme Judicial Council.

Article 193 of the third paragraph appoints the President of the Republic President of the Constitutional Court after being selected from among the five oldest Vice-President of the Court.

The President of the Republic shall also appoint the Vice-President of the Court from among two candidates, one of whom shall be nominated by the General Assembly of the Court.

The President of the Commission and its members shall also be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic on the nomination of the President of the Court and after taking the opinion of the General Assembly of the Court.

Third: Class discrimination
The amendments approved included a new change in the form of the legislative power in Egypt, consisting of 12 articles, and the return of the Shura Council, but under the name of the sheikhs with the distinction of some categories.

Article 102 (first paragraph) included the allocation of at least a quarter of the seats to women at least.

Article 102 (third paragraph) provides that the individual or existing electoral system may be introduced or combined in any proportion between them.

In Articles 243 and 244, the amendments provided for the representation of workers, peasants, youth, Christians, persons with disabilities, and Egyptians residing abroad provided that they are "appropriately represented in the House of Representatives" as determined by law.

Articles 242, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253 and 254 defined the establishment and role of the Senate.

Fourthly: military invasion
The approved amendments included new roles for the armed forces in three articles, one of which included concerns about political and civil life, according to deputies and opponents.

Article 200 states that the armed forces belong to the people, whose task is to protect the country, preserve its security and territorial integrity, safeguard the constitution and democracy, preserve the basic elements of the state and its civilization, and the people's gains and the rights and liberties of individuals.

In Article 204, paragraph 2, the amendments provided that civilians may be tried before military courts in some cases.

In Article (234), the legislator stipulates that the appointment of the Minister of Defense shall be with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.