
The head of the Korean National Security Service, Minjung, wrote another article on his SNS today on the investigation plan for the investigation. The police have the right to terminate the first investigation, which means that the police will not hand over all the cases to the prosecution, but even if they have the authority to end the investigation themselves, the prosecution will be able to control it later.

For more information, please contact Kim Jung-yoon.


"We should listen to the concerns of the prosecution," he wrote in an article on the SNS, saying that today, the concern about giving the police "the right to terminate the investigation" can be resolved.

As a result, I heard about the settlement of the investigation right of the Ministry of Justice and the Minister of Armed Forces who attended last June.

The point is that it is possible to control the prosecution after the investigation. If the police do not send the case to the prosecution unfairly, the prosecutor can ask for the re-investigation and the complainant, the accused or the victim will file a complaint I heard a point to make it.

[Motherland / Chung Wa Dae (Last June): After the first investigation, the prosecution opinion or the burglar is set to be subject to post-trial control by the prosecution.]

The prosecution has not issued an official position, but has responded that it is out of the question.

A South Korean prosecution official said, "Prosecutors have not been involved when the ministry of justice and the ruling party agreed." "Even then, the Cheong Wa Dae said that it is difficult to accept that the prosecution should not go to the National Assembly without asking opinions."

Attorney Yang Hong-suk, head of the Public Interest Law Center, participated in the party.

"I am worried that the world is not going to return as the picture shows, but if you just look at the picture, it is a wonderful way to communicate."

The prosecution will announce the official position of the prosecution office on April 14 or 15, and the issue of the party, the ruling, and the ruling party will be discussed next week.

(Image coverage: Park, Seung Won, Hyeonghyuk, Image editing: Kim, Sun-tak)