BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's Specialized Criminal Court will try a number of detained women activists on Wednesday morning, calling on human rights organizations to demand their immediate release, a page of Saudi detainees said on Twitter.

The page pointed out that among the detainees are Iman Nafjan, Aziza al-Yousef and Iman al-Harbi and will be put on trial in the same secret session that will be held to try Jane Al-Hathul, amid reports that the session may include other female activists detained.

The detainees' page in another editorial confirmed that the Saudi authorities did not allow any of the activists who will be tried on Wednesday to hire a lawyer. They were only informed of the date of the hearing, demanding that the Saudi authorities immediately release all of them or make the trial session public, For activists.

The page called on all those calling them "free" to support the "no-trial" campaign launched by the "Saudi detainees" account.

đź”´ Urgent call
To all our followers and all the liberals .. Please support the marking of the 'No' trial of the activists launched by the account of Saudi detainees @hw_saudiwomen in rejection of the secret trial to be held by the terrorism court for Saudi activists tomorrow morning ..
Either a public trial broadcast live or the immediate release of them !!

- Detainees of opinion (@ m3takl) March 12, 2019

đź”´ Urgent
Make sure that Ms. # Amal al-Harbi will be subject tomorrow morning to the same secret trial session with Jane, Eman and Aziza, and a number of other detained activists.
Amal al-Harbi does not have any rights activities, but was arrested only because her husband is Fuzan al-Harbi, a member of the group.

- Detainees of opinion (@ m3takl) March 12, 2019