The adoption by the UN General Assembly of the proposed by Ukraine resolution on the violation of human rights in Crimea did not come as a surprise. This was announced by RT Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean Government, Permanent Representative of the Republic under the President of Russia Georgy Muradov.

According to him, the consolidated group of Western countries headed by the United States "continues the anti-Russian line, the falsification of events related to the Crimea."

“The UN capabilities allow a fairly small group - after all, only one third of the members of the organization - to carry out their resolution with a large number of abstentions. The fact that these resolutions contain falsification and lies, they are inspired in Kiev - this is known to all, and this continues every year, ”he said.

The document was supported by 65 countries, opposed by - 27. Most of the participants - 70 countries - abstained from voting. At the same time, the UN budget committee, which deals with budget issues, refused to allocate funds for the implementation of the resolution.

Among the countries that supported the document were the United States, the European Union states, Turkey and Japan. In turn, Russia, Belarus, China, India, Serbia, Syria, South Africa, Nicaragua and Venezuela spoke out against it.

“This resolution is extremely politicized, based on inaccurate and falsified information,” said Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Gennady Kuzmin during a speech at a General Assembly meeting.

The diplomat called this document “anti-Russian, false, crafty,” stressing that Russia guarantees the protection of rights and freedoms throughout its territory.

“Crimea is a place where happy people live. We invite everyone to visit Crimea and see for themselves the real situation on the peninsula, ”he concluded.

In turn, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko welcomed the adoption of the resolution, stating that "the struggle for the Crimea continues."

  • Reuters
  • © Eduardo Munoz

At the same time, as noted by Muradov, the number of countries that support such documents is decreasing. At the same time, the outcome of the vote could push the Kiev authorities and personally Petro Poroshenko to aggressive actions, said the vice-premier of the Crimean government. Muradov expressed the hope that in the end "sanity will prevail."

“We still have optimistic notes, but it’s impossible not to notice the alarming nature of these resolutions,” he concluded.

"Conflict the real situation"

The adopted document is in contradiction with the UN Charter, said the senator from Crimea and member of the Committee of the Federation of Defense and Security Olga Kovitidi. According to her, the resolution is an "anti-Russian political order."

“We, Crimeans, are outraged that the UN resolution was issued in the context of Ukraine’s systemic non-implementation of the 13th UN report of March 2016, according to which the UN demanded that Kiev provide the results of the official investigation of Ukraine’s violations of human rights in Crimea during the blockade organized by Ukraine’s by authority, ”said the senator.

According to her, the resolution passed by the UN General Assembly does not comply with the basic principles of international law and "grossly neglects the rights of man and citizen."

Kovitidi noted that the document "requires a rigorous assessment, since it is an attempt to rudely invade questions of state sovereignty of Russia."

In turn, the deputy of the State Council of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara believes that the statements of Ukraine about violations in Crimea do not correspond to the situation on the peninsula.

“When the General Assembly adopts such resolutions, there is a complete discredit of such an influential international platform, which, on the contrary, should be an example of objectivity from the point of view of the processes taking place there,” said the parliamentarian.

At the same time, he noted that the results of voting on such resolutions are gradually changing.

“Yes, resolutions are accepted, but if we sum up the number of those who voted against and abstained, then most countries of the world realize that all this is empty. And these resolutions really contradict the real situation, ”said Ganjara.

A series of resolutions

The UN General Assembly for the third year in a row adopts a resolution on the violation of human rights in Crimea.

In previous cases, 70 countries voted in favor of the document, 26 voted against. In 2016, 77 countries abstained, in 2017, 76 countries. Commenting on the results of the vote, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, called this outcome a “sobering trend.”

The “review of the entire Russophobic ratification” was not particularly successful: 65 countries were in favor of the Ukrainian “agitation”, 27 were against, and another 70 abstained. In 2016 and 2017, 70 countries voted for a similar resolution, 26 voted against, and 77 and 76 abstained, respectively. There is a tendency to sober up, ”the TASS senator quotes.

In addition, on December 18, the UN adopted another resolution devoted to Crimea, which deals with the “militarization of the peninsula”, as well as parts of the Azov and Black Seas. For the adoption of this document were made by 66 states, against - 19, 72 countries abstained.

In response, Moscow reminded that in 2014, residents of the Crimea, following the results of the referendum, spoke in favor of reunification with Russia.

“From this moment, after the relevant domestic procedures, Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. And on any part of our territory, we are entitled and will continue to build our military policy as we see fit to ensure our security. Crimea is no exception, ”said Russian President Vladimir Putin during a press conference.