The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation intends to file a lawsuit in court for the collection of property of the former head of the Serpukhov District, Alexander Shestun, to the state’s treasury for a total of about 10 billion rubles. This was stated by the official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office Alexander Kurennoy on the Internet channel of the agency Aether.

In the case of Shestun, prosecutors conducted over 1,000 control measures. The specialists studied the economic and financial activities of 23 individuals and 43 legal entities, as well as more than 800 cadastral records and 105 materials on the transfer of ownership of real estate. In addition, prosecutors have initiated about 50 court sessions about the imposition of arrest on the identified property.

From the moment of his appointment as head of the district in 2003 to 2017, Shestun was able to withdraw highly liquid land and forest reserves from state ownership. In particular, over 60 million square meters are currently on Shestun’s personal balance sheet. (or 1 thousand 343 hectares) of municipal land. As noted by the Prosecutor General’s Office, a significant part of the land was sold through nominees in order to personally enrich Shestun himself. Now its size and value is set.

"At the moment, Shestun is the actual owner of more than 676 real estate in the Serpukhov district, of which 565 are land plots that are registered for 40 legal entities and nominee directors who have never been involved in any business activity under their control," said Kurennoy.

Prosecutors also found that in 2007 Shestun, under the guise of holding fictitious auctions, set aside for himself personal use a land plot in a 17-hectare pine forest. Structures controlled by Shestun own two recreation centers, the cadastral value of which, according to the Federal Register Service, is 250 million and 24 million rubles.

“After the prosecutor initiated this audit, attempts were made to sell these assets for 1.3 billion and 380 million rubles,” comments Kurennaya. - In addition to real estate in the possession of Shestun, 22 cars were found, the cost of which exceeds 26 million 959 thousand rubles. The cadastral value of the identified property is over 2 billion 180 million 785 thousand rubles. ”

He also clarified that the market value of all the property, which Shestun had taken out of state control in his favor, according to preliminary data, is estimated at 10 billion rubles.

The ministry reminded that within the framework of anti-corruption, prosecutors have the authority to collect property of officials into the treasury, if there is no evidence of the acquisition of this property on legitimate income.

Thus, in the period from 2016 to 2018, the property of the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin, deputy head of the GUEBiPK department of the Russian Interior Ministry Dmitry Zakharchenko, head of the FSO for the Caucasus Gennady Lopyrev, finance minister of the Moscow region Alexey Kuznetsov was turned to the state by the claims of the central office of the Prosecutor General’s Office. totaling more than 11 billion rubles.

Criminal involved

Alexander Shestun was appointed the head of the Serpukhov District of the Moscow Region in 2003. In November 2009, a criminal case was opened against him and his deputy Elena Bazanova on suspicion of receiving a bribe.

According to investigators, Shestun demanded a bribe from a businessman Sergey Romanov - a land plot of 4 hectares. The businessman had to arrange the land for third parties, and in return receive agricultural land, which Shestun promised to transfer to the land for the construction of country houses.

The official himself suspected of bribery appealed to President Dmitry Medvedev with a complaint of corruption in the prosecutor's office. However, this was not the case. The ex-official as a witness also appeared in the case of the underground gambling business in the Moscow region.

In April 2018, Alexander Shestun recorded a video message to President Vladimir Putin, in which he spoke about the pressure and threats allegedly exerted on him by security officials.

On June 13, searches were conducted in his house, and on June 14, the ex-official was arrested on charges of abuse of office. Searches also took place in the administration of Serpukhov district.

According to the investigation, during the period from 2008 to 2014 Shestun illegally transferred four land plots to the amount of about 62.8 million rubles to the private company.

The criminal case of abuse of office was retrained for fraud. Two other persons appeared in it - Boris Krivodubsky and Sergey Samsonov. Investigators believe that Shestun illegally transferred the plots in their favor. Ex-official does not recognize his guilt. The injured party in the case is the administration of Serpukhov district.

Representatives of the protection of Shestun have already filed two complaints to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against inhuman treatment in the remand prison, as well as violations of the right to freedom of speech and limits on the use of restrictions on rights.

Shestun's lawyer Pavel Sobolev, in a conversation with RT, said that Shestun filed annually on his income and the incomes of his family members.

“These documents were checked by the competent authorities, including the prosecutor’s office, and no violations were previously identified. Neither Shestun nor his family had ever owned such property. My words are confirmed by the declarations of Alexander Vyacheslavovich, ”said Sobolev.

According to the lawyer, the Prosecutor General’s Office is trying to blame the ex-official for what he did not commit, and thus put him in an unsuitable light.

“I would regard it as black PR, absolutely illegal and biased,” comments Sobolev. - Shestun was not engaged in commercial activities since he headed the district in 2003. Most likely, the property belongs to third parties who have nothing to do with both Alexander Vyacheslavovich and this criminal case. While it is not clear what kind of legal entities and individuals. Naturally, we will appeal against all this. ”

He also noted the deterioration of the health of his client.

“Unfortunately, the detention facility is not a resort, and staying there has a negative effect on its well-being,” said the source. - Today, during the interrogation, Alexander Vyacheslavovich complained about his health. The investigation refuses to put him on examination at the Bakulev Center, despite our numerous requests. ”