The traffic violator, who on February 9 was able to catch traffic police officers in the Vladimir region with great difficulty, was arrested for seven days. This decision was taken on Monday evening by one of the world courts of Vladimir on the basis of two protocols drawn up to the driver.

He was convicted under Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (leaving the driver in violation of the traffic rules of the scene of the accident, which he was a participant). On Tuesday, the term of the arrest of a 28-year-old taxi driver from Volgograd, whose name has not been officially named, may increase. He will stand trial for disobeying the lawful demands of the police. Under this article, he faces arrest for up to 15 days.

Recall that now in Vladimir, a commission from the central traffic police of Russia has begun work, which should assess the actions of police officers who, according to preliminary data, tried to stop the violator at one of the traffic police posts by blocking his passage by cars of other citizens.

Having made a collision with one of the stopped cars, the boater stopped for a short while, but after a few seconds, despite the active actions of a group of DPS officers, he was still able to continue. It was possible to hold him only after 40 minutes.

A video of the incident, made by the passenger of one of the stopped cars, in a couple of days managed to watch about a million people, in many ways it was the reason for the visit of inspectors from Moscow. Judging by the video, the police did not use not only service weapons, but also special means for stopping vehicles, which should be available at the traffic police post.

To investigate the circumstances of the incident previously joined the Investigation Committee. The department plans to assess both the actions of the police, who allegedly staged an improvised human shield and thus exceeded their official powers, as well as the actions of the offender, who face criminal liability for the use of violence against DPS officers - the department believes that when stop the attacker the police could suffer.

An official representative of the regional department of the IC, Anna Minina, in an interview with RT, noted that the investigation is now studying the situation in detail, including analyzing the video footage received, eyewitness interviews are being conducted.

“The actions of the police and the driver are being checked as part of a single check, and in the future, perhaps, the materials will be separated, but we will sort it out calmly, without haste,” said Minin.

Nevertheless, she believes that it is not entirely correct to talk about the organization of a human shield on the post by the police.

“According to the initial data, at the traffic police post there was a command to pull over to the side of the road, but everything was measured in seconds. He flew like a whirlwind, and someone snuggled, someone stayed on the track. From here and these damaged cars, according to preliminary data, there are four of them. No one in the incident was hurt. Since the detention was carried out within the framework of operational activities, all material claims will be made to this citizen, ”said the representative of the UK.

She also confirmed the information of eyewitnesses that she managed to detain the hogwheel thanks to another “shield”, this time of their trucks. “In the area of ​​Lakinsk, a suitable, fairly narrow stretch of road was chosen, and with the assistance of heavy trucks, which, due to their size and weight, are often used to detain a car, the driver was stopped and detained,” said Minin. She also said that the driver was absolutely sober and still could not clearly explain his behavior, stating that he did not remember anything.

Meanwhile, participants in the incident about the command of the police to pull over to the side of the road do not report anything.

“I drove up to the traffic police post on the outskirts of Vladimir in the direction of Moscow. I look - there are cars wall. I drove up behind them and saw that the inspector was actively gesticulating, waving his rod in unknown directions - either to me or my neighbors. At some point, he pointed out to me, as I understood, to take a certain place. I drove closer, stood right in front of the inspector, he blocked my way, and I could not continue on. No action was taken to explain the reason for the stop, to inform somehow the drivers, and there were about 10−15. The inspector silently twisted his rod, just stood, looked, did not respond to questions. He did not try to make sure that people left the vehicles in what condition they were in, whether there were children and pregnant women among them, ”Yuriy Romanov quotes the publication About Pro Vladimir.

The motorist thought that the police put cars in a staggered manner on both sides of the road.

“I even had to take a maneuver so that my car would not suffer. I saw in the rearview mirror that the car was approaching at high speed, that he had already hit someone, and I was forced to move aside, ”said the motorist.

After the Skoda driver could continue driving and the police rushed after him, Romanov drove on.

“We stood for 2-3 minutes and just parted, because each had his own business. I noticed that special means for stopping and creating barriers on the road were littered with snow. At the post there is such an automatic barrier on wheels, but it was not prepared properly. Employees did not even decompose. Not a single patrol car was used to prevent this offender from passing, ”said the motorist, expressing outrage at the actions of the police.

    The fact that police officers at the DPS post deliberately blocked the traffic was reported earlier in the regional police.

    "Taking into account the extreme situation at the stationary traffic police post in the city of Vladimir, traffic flow was blocked," said the head of the regional traffic police Arthur Amosov.

    Not enthusiastic about the actions of DPS officers and the Vladimir motorists, who are now preparing a collective complaint to the prosecutor's office. As the initiator of the appeal, Alexander Akopov, told RT, the collection of signatures will last several more days. “I do not want people to fall into such a situation again. I do not call for dismissals and “purges”, I want to get a legal assessment of this incident and avoid this in the future, ”he said.

    Stopping the intruder with the help of human shields from civilian vehicles often turns into a scandal and problems for the police themselves. In 2010, such actions of the metropolitan police turned into resignations and apologies to one of the motorists from the direction of the traffic police and the State Department of the Interior Ministry in Moscow. His broken Mercedes was repaired at the expense of the department.

    In December 2013, DPS officers chased a black “nine” in the center of Yekaterinburg. The police decided to stop the offender with the help of a screen of several cars, but the driver did not stop and he rammed the shield at high speed. Two cars were broken in which people were at that moment. The local prosecutor's office considered that the traffic police did not violate the law, but, on the contrary, saved motorists from even more serious consequences.