Investigators make new allegations against the German Islamist Jennifer W., who must answer to next week before the Higher Regional Court of Munich. According to SPIEGEL information during her time with the "Islamic State" (IS) in Iraq, she and her husband have kept a five-year-old girl and his mother as slaves.

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W's husband allegedly mistreated both mother and daughter: he is said to have beaten her with a fist and a hand. Jennifer W. herself once held a gun to her mother's head. Jennifer W. is charged with, among other things, murder and war crimes: she and her husband allegedly had the girl dying of heat in the heat after chained in front of the house.

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ACTION PRESS / ZUMA / PLANET PIX trial against German IS wifeLetter Jennifer W. deliberately thirst a girl?

The new allegations are based on statements by the girl's mother to investigators of the Attorney General. The mother is now in Germany and is admitted in the process as a co-plaintiff. It is represented by two German lawyers and the well-known London human rights lawyer Amal Clooney.

The Attorney General wants to SPIEGEL information his allegations against Jennifer W. also extend to crimes against humanity.

According to information from security circles, the German authorities Jennifer W. have come by a note from the US Federal Police FBI on the track. The whistleblower of the FBI later on behalf of the German police pretended to want to drive Jennifer W. from Germany back to the IS. In the car she had burdened herself.

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