
China has not enforced technology transfer to foreign investors, and has created a new law protecting intellectual property rights. The trade war, the United States has been a problem for the time being, I read the willingness to resolve positively.

It is a correspondent in Beijing.


China's biggest political event, the Catholic Church, passed the Foreign Investment Law yesterday (May 15).

The Foreign Investment Law, which will be applied from next year, is a reorganization of the existing three laws related to foreign investment.

The law stipulates, among other things, the protection of intellectual property rights of foreign-invested enterprises and the prohibition of forced transfer of technology.

In the meantime, the US government has been pushing China to transfer technology in the form of joint venture with domestic companies and infringement of intellectual property rights.

The enactment of this law will also attract new investments and show the willingness to accept US demands.

Some analysts say follow-up is the key.

[Kim Yoon-hee / Representative of KOTRA BEIJING: There is a big frame rule, but it does not specify how to carry out and what kind of procedure to carry out specifically.]

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the prospects of the US trade negotiations are uncertain.

[Lychey / Chinese Prime Minister: China hopes that negotiations will achieve results and hopes to achieve mutual benefits. This is what the world wants.]

Lee also said he will pay VAT and Social Security costs to cope with the economic downturn, with the effect of 2 trillion yuan and about 340 trillion won.