The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai carries out a questionnaire to measure the level of religious tolerance in the community of Dubai with its various themes.

The Department said that the views of the participants in the questionnaire would provide us with valuable information, which would be used in the continuous pursuit of ensuring the best possible levels in this area.

The department allowed participation in the questionnaire of all nationalities, religions and ages and asked questions that measured whether religious values ​​and beliefs constituted the basic premise of a person's life and vision of the world, whether belief influenced important decisions made by man, and how confident a person was in his religious belief.

It also monitors the extent to which a person believes that there are common values ​​that are relevant to all people, regardless of their religious values ​​and beliefs, whether religious tolerance is a permanent human need, and whether one believes that others can only reach the truth through religious values ​​and beliefs As well as the love of the person to identify other religious values ​​and beliefs different from the values ​​and religious beliefs.

The questionnaire measures the extent to which we deal comfortably with people of other religious beliefs, the extent to which other religious beliefs are respected, whether a person accepts to make friends with the different ideologues, and the belief that other people should have the right to choose their values ​​and practice their religious beliefs, Even if the person considers it wrong.

The questionnaire monitors whether there are opportunities to promote the values ​​of religious tolerance among people in society and whether there is agreement that different groups of people coexist with great confidence in the existence of religious tolerance among themselves and whether there is a belief among members of society that Tolerance among them promotes prosperity, and whether there is agreement that people in society should seek ways to overcome their differences, according to their religious values ​​and beliefs.

The questionnaire allows participants to make comments and proposals that they want to add to promote religious tolerance in Dubai and to foster community cohesion.

The Department affirmed that Islam is the religion of tolerance, moderation, centrality, knowledge, science, arts and human knowledge.

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Haddad, the Chief Mufti, Director of the Fatwa Department, member of the Supreme Council of Ulema and member of the UAE Council for Fatwa, said during his participation in the symposium "Tolerance between the Philosophy of Truth and Justice ... The Philosophy of Islam in Building Peace and Human Coexistence" Islam in Abu Dhabi, which concluded recently, that tolerance is an authentic Islamic approach, came with the texts of the peremptory, and applied by the Prophet of Islam, our master Muhammad peace be upon him and his family in all his dealings with the spectrum of society, and with the approver and the violator, and walked on the approach of his successors adults. He pointed out that the state under Islam was based on tolerance in successive eras, as it preserved the heritage of the Islamic world and the heritage of others under it, stressing that the people of Islam contributed to the development and development of the communities they settle.

Al-Haddad added that Islam urged humanity to sustain the architecture of the earth in light of the constants of divine revelation, away from discord, division, difference and conflict. He stressed that Islam has no relation to terrorism and its people because it urged peace and the rights of all, especially the safe civilians and their societies.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad:

The people of Islam

They contributed to the development

And community development

Which they settle.