Weather forecasters announced on Friday a "yellow" level of weather danger in Moscow and the region.

According to forecasts of the weather forecasters, August 31 in the capital, the air temperature will be +22 ... +24 ° C, in some cases a short rain, a thunderstorm is expected. At a thunder-storm gusts of wind can reach 12-17 m / s. MES urged to be careful and cautious.

According to the Hydrometeorological Center, the coolness to the capital region will bring an atmospheric front, but by the weekend the weather will improve, it is expected that the precipitation will cease.

"Course for improvement"

As RT explained in the weather center "Phobos", in the beginning of September the cold front will gradually leave from the central part of Russia to the east. Climatic conditions will become more comfortable and approach the norm for this time of year.

"In some places up to 30% of precipitation poured out, and today the weather has already taken a course to improve, today it will be more comfortable. We left from that stuffiness and heat, not corresponding to the climate of the end of summer. Let's pour into the climate comfort, "- said the leading specialist of the center" Phobos "Eugene Tishkovets.

As for the next weekend, September 1-2, the Moscow region will continue to have an elevated background of atmospheric pressure. This means variable cloudiness without precipitation, at nights the thermometer bars will drop to +9 ... + 14 ° С. In the afternoon it is expected about +21 ... + 26 ° С, which is 4-5 ° С more than normal.

According to the scientific director of Roshydrometcentre Roman Vilfanda, in September the temperature is expected to be within the limits of normal and higher in the whole territory of Russia, heavy precipitation is expected in Siberia and the Far East.

"Almost all of our country predicts a temperature of about and above normal. The temperature is much higher than the norm in September is forecasted in the European part of Russia. Starting from the Urals and Siberia - about the norm. In the Far East - the temperature is much higher than normal, "- said Vilfand.

According to forecasts, in Western Siberia the next night a powerful flood of ultrapolar cold air is expected, in some places there will be frosts. At night, the thermometer bars will drop to 0 ... + 5 ° С, the daily maximum will be +10 ° С.

  • © City News Agency "Moscow"

Earlier, the Ministry of Emergencies warned of frosts in the Perm region on Saturday night. On the roads, ice is possible. Lowering the temperature to minus indicators is also expected in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Rain is expected - from small to moderate - and a gusty wind of northern directions.

"Classic Indian Summer"

According to preliminary data, in September, residents of Central Russia can count on the Indian summer to arrive on time. According to Yevgeny Tishkovets, the temperature background will on average be 3-4 ° С above the norm.

"This is a good, classic Indian summer. There will be little precipitation. In the first half of September, you can count on a warm and comfortable weather with a lot of sunny days and minimum rainfall, "he explained.

In the second part of the month the amount of rains will gradually increase, the temperature will return to normal autumn indicators.

  • © City News Agency "Moscow" / Tereschenko Mikhail

During school lines in Moscow on September 3, it is expected to be hot in summer, Roman Wilfand said.

"In Moscow, the situation is unusual: on September 1, students begin their studies, and on the 3rd the schools will start working. I suggest that Muscovites do not pay attention to the calendar, which claims that tomorrow begins autumn. The summer continues, and in the July performance, "- said Wilfand.

According to the forecast of the deputy head of the situation center of Roshydromet Anatoly Tsygankov, until September 6, the thermometer bars in the capital will rise to +27 ... + 29 ° С.

"On Saturday, partly cloudy weather with no precipitation, the wind is weak, at night + 10 ... + 12 ° C, in the daytime + 25 ... + 27 ° C. The same weather is on Sunday. On Monday and Tuesday, the pressure will fall slightly, in some places there will be a short rain, at night + 9 ... + 14 ° C, in the daytime + 22 ... + 27 ° С. The environment is cloudy and also light rain. On Thursday, + 24 ... + 29 ° C in the afternoon and sunny, "- said RT Tsygankov.

He also said that in the European part of Russia and in Europe, a slightly elevated temperature is expected - 2 ° C above normal. In the region from Belarus to the Urals - 1.5 ° C above the norm. In Siberia - below the norm. The level of precipitation is within normal limits.