President-elect of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky reported on the preparation of several options for responding to Russia's actions to simplify the procedure for issuing Russian passports to residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. He told this to journalists before meeting with the heads of factions in the building of the Verkhovna Rada.

“We have several moves, let's say. We need to be creative, fast and smart in this - the way we are. Therefore, we will cook and then show everything. I will go out and tell you - there are no secrets, ”Interfax quotes Zelensky.

Earlier, the winner of the Ukrainian presidential election advised Moscow to “not seduce” Ukrainians with Russian passports and announced its intention to provide Ukrainian citizenship to all Russians who are ready to “fight side by side with us for our and your freedom.”

Recall that on April 24 and May 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed two decrees on the simplified receipt of Russian passports. The first document refers exclusively to residents of the self-proclaimed people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, in the second - a number of categories of foreign citizens, including Ukrainians who were born or lived in Crimea, but left the peninsula before the referendum on reunification with Russia, and in the Donbass - before Education DND and LC.

“We, after all, not only to people who live in the LPR or DPR, provide such a method of obtaining our citizenship. In general, we are thinking of giving our citizenship in a simplified manner to the citizens of Ukraine, ”Putin also said on April 27.

At the same time, on May 3, in Donetsk, acceptance of applications for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner began in one of the offices of the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. At the same time, from Tuesday, May 7, all territorial divisions of the republican department will join this work. They are expected to process up to 4,000 applications per week.

In the LC, residents will be able to apply for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation under the simplified scheme from Monday, May 6.

“Wants to look creative”

According to the head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and the Affairs of Compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov, Vladimir Zelensky demonstrates with his statements that he will not be like the former Ukrainian politicians. However, Kalashnikov noted that it is not yet clear whether this will benefit the ordinary citizens of the country.

“Judging by the fact that Zelensky wants to look, apparently, as creative as he was still in his profession as an artist, we should expect something in the same vein. It is unlikely that he will approach this issue in a state way and will begin to issue normal pensions in the Donbass region, will withdraw troops, recognizes the right of citizens to their own police and elections. This, of course, would be creative, but he is unlikely to do something like that, ”Kalashnikov said in an interview with RT.

The head of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, economist Alexander Okhrimenko expressed doubts that the new authorities in Kiev could somehow adequately respond to Russia by simplifying the procedure for issuing passports, including to citizens of Ukraine.

“Kiev has already broken so much firewood. The problem is clearly not in passports, and Zelensky is unlikely to undertake something radical. An elected president can try to simplify the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship for those who have arrived in Ukraine over the past few years. Even if it is a kind of public relations action, it will not affect anything, ”the source stressed.

He also suggested that those who received Russian passports would be obliged to withdraw their Ukrainian citizenship, or some other sanctions would be imposed on them.

"True, I can not imagine how to do this from a practical point of view," - said the expert.

Passport power

At the same time, on Saturday, May 4, the current Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was noted with his statement on the subject of passports. He said that the passport of a citizen of Ukraine provides much greater advantages than a similar document of the Russian sample.

“The Ukrainian passport is far ahead of Russia in terms of travel opportunities around the world,” Poroshenko wrote on Facebook.

He substantiated his point of view with the data of the world rating Passport Index 2019, in which the “strength” of passports is determined by how many countries you can fly to without a visa or issue it on arrival.

“In total, the Ukrainian passport provides free entry to 133 countries of the world. I am proud that we have strengthened the status of Ukrainian citizenship, ”said the President of Ukraine.

  • Archival photo. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko
  • Reuters
  • © Michael Dalder

According to the Global Passport Power Rank 2019, which is compiled by the international consulting company Henley & Partners together with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Ukraine is on the 23rd place. Ukrainians can enter 91 countries without a visa, while in the 42s they can get a visa upon arrival.

At the same time, Russia occupies the 37th position. Russians can visit 81 countries without a visa, and in 36 countries it can be issued upon arrival.

The ranking leader is the United Arab Emirates - citizens of this country are free to enter a total of 171 states.

"Bezviz - absolutely imaginary victory of Poroshenko"

According to Sergey Tsekov, a member of the committee of the Federation Council on international affairs, Petro Poroshenko, who will soon resign the president, makes such statements due to the lack of any really significant successes.

“He constantly declares visa-free and freedom of movement, but in fact, in terms of travel, our passports are of equal value. There is no big difference. But from the point of view of protecting travelers, solving problems that they may encounter outside their country, our defense is much more effective, and friendly relations are present in the vast majority of countries, ”the senator explained in an interview with RT.

In turn, political analyst Ivan Mezyuho reminded that during the coup d'état, Euromaidan leaders had promised not only tourist visa-free, but also the opportunity for Ukrainians to carry out official labor activities and study in Europe. According to him, in fact, these promises were not kept.

“The majority of Ukrainians use the visa-free regime in order to carry out illegal work in the EU countries. They are there in an illegal situation and can be fined at any time, expelled from the European Union. In general, it is surprising that Poroshenko, despite losing the election, continues to hurt Russia in every possible way. Bezviz - Poroshenko's absolutely imaginary victory. People still don’t have money to spend holidays in the European Union, ”the source stressed.

In this regard, the political scientist pointed out that thousands of Ukrainians on the eve of the May holidays went on holiday to the Crimea.

“Over the past 24 hours, about nine thousand people and almost one and a half thousand cars crossed the state border to enter the Russian Federation. The largest flow was recorded at the “Dzhankoy” checkpoint, the press service of the FSB border management in the Republic of Crimea reported.