- Why did you decide to leave the Patriarchate of Constantinople and go to the Russian Orthodox Church abroad?

- The main reason is that, in my opinion, the actions of the ecumenical patriarch violate canon law. There is a definite, historically established procedure for granting the church autocephalous status. But over the past one and a half or two centuries, the Ecumenical Patriarch has repeatedly acted unilaterally, setting his own rules, doing what he wants, regardless of the desires of other autocephalous churches.

- Why do you think that the recent actions of Constantinople in Ukraine are wrong?

- It is wrong that he (Patriarch Bartholomew. - RT ), in fact, announced his ecclesiastical authority in a territory to which he actually had nothing to do. Moreover, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is already operating on this territory, and not a single autocephalous church, not even the Greek Church, supported him (Patriarch Bartholomew. - RT ). If the churches do not adhere to the existing rules, then we, in fact, create our own Pope of Rome, who can do anything and anytime. And this is a Western approach that is not fitting for the Orthodox Church.

- What do you think about the position of Poroshenko and the policy of Kiev in relation to the Moscow Patriarchate?

“I think Poroshenko is exploiting this topic for his political goals.” He is going to run for a second term, and his rating is very low. So far, it is unlikely that he will be re-elected. Maybe after these events his position will somehow change. But, in fact, he simply switches the attention of the people from other issues, stating that the presence of autocephaly is an important means of ensuring state independence. But this is not so - neither here in America, nor in other countries of the world. As a result, Poroshenko’s actions, which the ecumenical patriarch assists, are aimed at splitting.

We see this schism in the Orthodox Church throughout the world. Take Africa, for example. Why can't every African country have its own local church? Here, the ecumenical patriarch will already encroach on the authority of the patriarch of Alexandria. The consequences will be global. Unfortunately, in this case, the situation has primarily a political dimension. And the nature of the Body of Christ on the altar is transcendental. She is not Ukrainian, but Orthodox. The point is to be Orthodox - and this does not depend on state borders. Orthodoxy is more than the same America. But now about the Body of Christ is spoken in the political arena, where such a conversation is inappropriate.

- What do other priests think about this situation?

- From many priests, I unexpectedly received tremendous support. I heard many words expressing the understanding and approval of the step that I considered necessary to take - and did. True, other priests are very quiet. But I have not yet had the opportunity to talk with a clergyman of any jurisdiction who believes that the ecumenical patriarch is doing the right thing.

- Can the Ukrainian church get real independence after separation from the Moscow Patriarchate?

- This independence is artificial. The ecumenical patriarch created schism. Ukraine can declare that it now has its own church. But in fact, Poroshenko himself proclaimed it, and the Ecumenical Patriarch, it turns out, only confirmed his statement. And it is very dangerous. Her independence and canonicity will depend not on what they themselves proclaim, but on how their decision will be taken by the Body of world Orthodoxy. The body, consisting of other churches, must accept and recognize these actions - otherwise Ukraine, in fact, will be in isolation.

- What changes do you feel after the transition to the jurisdiction of the ROCOR?

- In the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, I was received very warmly, with cordiality and understanding. People respond kindly, the priesthood is attentive. The atmosphere of love and sympathy from other priests of the ROCOR, which I feel, confirms me in the thought that I made the right decision. And not only me, but also my spouse.