Again and again, US President Donald Trump has described the situation of immigrants on the southern border of the US as an "invasion" into his country. Now Trump has again threatened to close the border "or much of it" next week if the Mexican government does not stop all illegal immigration immediately.

.... through their country and our Southern Border. Mexico has for many years made a fortune off the US, far greater than Border Costs. If Mexico does not stop all illegal immigration coming into the United States throug our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING .....

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2019

It's so easy for Mexico to do something about illegal migration, "but they just take our money and talk," Trump wrote on Twitter. Already on Thursday he had made similar statements on Twitter.

.... the Border, next week. This would be so easy for Mexico to do, but they just take our money and "talk." Besides, we loose so much money with them, especially when you're trafficking in drug trafficking etc.), that the Border closing would be a good one thing!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2019

Mexico shows understanding for Trump

The Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador then showed understanding for the criticism from Washington. "It is legitimate that they disagree and express these complaints," he said. "We will help wherever we can, we do not want a fight with the United States Government."

In February, the US president called the national emergency to finance a border wall to Mexico without parliamentary approval. It was one of his main campaign promises. The congress had not approved the sum demanded of him. His approach is legally controversial.

With a resolution, the Democrats in the Senate had tried to end the state of emergency. Trump therefore vetoed and broke the resistance. The Democrats in the US House of Representatives then tried to overrule the president's veto. The required two-thirds majority, however, did not materialize. The Democrats have 235 of the 450 seats in the House of Representatives, so a simple majority.