French leader Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency in the country. The president made such a statement on the evening of December 10 during a televised address to the people on the situation in France.

“Today I actually announce the state of emergency in the country. It is necessary to support the economy, it is necessary to support education, that young people who want to learn and live free people, ”he said.

The head of state demanded that the cabinet and the parliament restructure their work. According to him, the authorities will soon begin to take a package of measures to provide economic support to the population.

“The minimum wage will rise by € 100 per month starting in May 2019. In addition, starting from 2019, overtime hours will not be taxed and socially paid. There will also be a special bonus for employees at the end of the year, not subject to any taxes or social payments. For those who earn less than € 2,000 per month, tax deductions will be established, ”added Macron.

The President said that on Tuesday, December 11, the Prime Minister would submit specific proposals to the French parliament, but added that this should not be stopped. Macron noted that large enterprises and the most wealthy French should be involved in resolving the current economic situation.

At the same time, the head of the Fifth Republic emphasized the unacceptability of violence, which in recent weeks marked some protests of “yellow vests”. According to him, "there will be no forgiveness for those who committed violence."

“We all saw how the opportunists tried to take advantage of the legitimate discontent of the people. We have seen how many wanted to sow anarchy and disorder. No anger, no discontent justify attacks on police and gendarmes, the destruction of the property of commercial enterprises. Our freedom exists only because everyone has the right to express his opinion, but so that others can oppose him. When violence begins, freedom ends, ”said Macron.

The French President noted that first of all it is necessary to restore order in the country, and then take other decisions to resolve the situation. According to the head of state, he realizes that many French people share the outrage in society, including tax policy.

“I understand how difficult it is for the poorest of our citizens, the disabled. It is really difficult for them to live, but, unfortunately, we began to get used to it, which is unacceptable. They feel that they have been forgotten, ”said Macron.

He added that the living conditions of the population gradually deteriorated, and the tension and stratification in civil society have grown over the past 40 years, and this situation cannot be remedied in a short time.

“I am aware of my responsibility ... I really wanted to change the existing political system, often dishonest ... I felt that this crisis was coming. Felt before the election. That is why I went to the presidential elections, ”said Macron.

According to him, the state should pursue a policy aimed at creating jobs in various fields, developing production and combating tax fraud. The President also noted the need to reform the pension system and the concept of social support, which should become more transparent and fair.

“All this opens up a platform for unprecedented debates that have to take place at the national level ... It is important that they take place everywhere, in all regions. We all want to return to the normal course of life, but this crisis must end differently than all previous ones, when nothing has changed. Now we are experiencing a truly historic moment for our country and through dialogue, respect and active participation we will succeed, ”the French president stressed.

In conclusion, Macron added that after a while he would again turn to the people in order to report on the measures taken.

"Classical tactics of carrot and stick"

Political analyst Alexander Asafov, in an interview with RT, described as encouraging the fact that it became obvious to Emmanuel Macron that the cause of the “yellow vests” protests was a general social problem in the country, and not an excuse for fuel escalation.

“Macron also understands that people took to the streets not quite spontaneously and this is a planned action, prepared, of course, not by regular GRU agents, who have already rushed off with a light Ukrainian hand, to find the central French media, but by an external actor, and very strong ... In this case, Macron does not talk to the actor. He refers to those who have been on the streets for a month. He heard their slogans and is trying to remove them in order to minimize the situation, get people back from the street and stop this activity, ”the political scientist said.

The expert noted that the French leader is actually trying to resolve the issue with money, but where he will look for funds for these measures is a separate issue (Secretary of State Olivier Dussault, who is responsible for the budget policy of France, said that the announced package of measures would require € 8-10 billion). Now Macron has another task: to show people that he heard their demands. and at least partially respond to them in order to initiate negotiations and reduce the degree of protests. Under these conditions, Asafov believes, the organizers of the collisions can be calculated using the tools of the special services.

“Given the surrounding circumstances, the French protests have many goals. This is a multifactorial situation in which domestic beneficiaries are involved, too ... If Macron now manages to calm the streets and turn the conversation into a constructive mode, and then take a series of foreign policy steps, the situation may come to naught, ”the political scientist added.

In turn, the director of the Institute of Contemporary State Development, Dmitry Solonnikov, believes that the French president is acting in the framework of the classic carrot and stick tactics. On the one hand, reinforced security forces units are being pushed to Paris, and not only city policemen are involved in dispersing demonstrators. On the other hand, Macron makes populist promises that have not yet been taken into account in the budget, and it is not yet clear how the authorities will fulfill them.

“Behind this appeal, there is nothing worthwhile except for beautiful words, and this situation does not fundamentally change, because the French have been protesting against the rise in gasoline prices for the last weeks. It has already become clear: the reason is that they are disappointed in the next cabinet of ministers and the president, who does not solve the main problems, ”the expert noted.

“Macron’s current statements are not a change in economic fundamentals, national policies or an approach to shaping the welfare of the population. This is a sop that they have promised to make now, a conditional Christmas gift, however, it is not clear from which wallets, ”Solonnikov said.

He added that the words of the French President should not radically change the situation. However, we must not forget that ahead of the Christmas holidays, and any long-term confrontation leads to the fact that everyone is tired of him: the police, the participants, and the authorities.

“Christmas and New Year can level the situation without the help of Macron. If the protests decline, he will attribute this victory to himself, but it will be just a coincidence, the seasons and the mood of the French, ”Solonnikov said.