In Hachimantai City, where the cherry blossom front reaches its end in Iwate Prefecture, the cherry blossoms at the foot of the mountain are in full bloom.

Hachimantai City has many high-altitude areas and low temperatures, so the cherry blossoms are in full bloom later than others, and it is also called the "final station of spring" in the prefecture.

As you climb up a small hill in the Noda area, you will be greeted by a Yoshino cherry tree in full bloom.

It is "one cherry blossom in the house".

Only one cherry tree was left when the shrine that was built there was relocated in Taisho 8, and the sight of Mt. Iwate in full bloom with the melting snow on its back is truly superb.

As an important presence to watch over the mountain village, local people continue to protect it even now, such as maintaining a promenade.

When this single cherry blossom blooms, the cherry blossoms at the foot of the nearby mountains go into bloom at once.

At Matsuo Sports Park, which is located about a five-minute drive from Ipponzakura, many cherry blossoms planted in the park were in full bloom, and families and photography enthusiasts from inside and outside the prefecture enjoyed the fleeting spring in Tohoku.

A woman who visited with her children from Morioka City said, "I feel once again that cherry blossoms are very ephemeral and beautiful, and I want children to feel the seasons with their bodies, enjoy seeing them with their eyes, and enjoy them even if they don't yet know how beautiful they are."

The cherry blossoms in Hachimantai will bloom in the future, and you can enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms for a while.