Why is it heavy on your humidity? After reading the seconds, I understand!

Spring is just in time Come and learn tips to "dehumidify" your body

Always feel that the spirit is not good, the body is heavy, too lazy to move, eating seems to be just to complete a task, in fact, there is no appetite at all, I feel that I can't wake up, when I can fall asleep when I fall into bed, the stool is sticky and unpleasant, and it is easy to hang the toilet, and the tongue scraping every day is a thick and greasy layer... These manifestations are what Chinese medicine calls "heavy moisture". Why is modern people generally "moist" heavy? Today, Chinese medicine will talk to you about this topic.

Why is there moisture in the body?

Wetness is originally one of the "six qi" (wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness, and fire) that normally exist in nature, and the air needs to maintain a certain humidity to make people feel comfortable. The human body also needs a certain degree of humidity, such as skin, nasal cavity, eyes, joints, intestines, blood vessels all need a certain amount of "moisture" to maintain normal function. But if this "humidity" is too much, the human body will be uncomfortable and will cause a variety of diseases, which Chinese medicine calls "heavy moisture", or "wet evil".

"Wet evil" is divided into two types: one comes from the external environment, such as living in a humid place, a rainy climate, working by the sea or in the water; The other is called wet evil endogenous, which is closely related to the spleen and kidney organs.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the main transport, all the food we eat and drink needs to rely on the spleen's transport function to digest and process, the nutrient subtle substances are used by the human body, and the waste waste is excreted from the body; The mobilization function of the spleen is inseparable from the yang of the kidney, which is the root of human yang, and all water moisture is to be melted away, which is inseparable from the transpiration vaporization of kidney yang.

Kidney, Chinese medicine believes that it is the root of water and fire, very important, but modern people are always over-consumed by various wrong lifestyles and cause a hundred diseases.

Three lifestyle habits let moisture find your door

In addition to some objective factors, such as humidity, humid working environment, rainy season and other factors, the following three points need to be paid special attention to:

No wind, no sun, no exercise, no sweat The wind can blow away water vapor, the sun can steam wet evil, but unfortunately many people in modern times are not willing to go through the wind and rain, bask in the sun, in and out of the car, all kinds of shading, love sports and maintain exercise habits are few, adjust the temperature to the right temperature throughout the year, rarely sweat. These can lead to reduced moisture discharge from the body, accumulate in the body, and cause many diseases.

The famous French doctor Tiso said that exercise can replace almost any drug in terms of its effect, but any drug can not replace the role of exercise. We can imagine a person running in warm sunlight in tank top shorts, with a fine layer of sweat on his body and that healthy wheat color. And a person staying at home, crooked in bed, pulling curtains, eating takeout, holding a mobile phone, playing games, which of these two people looks healthier?

Poor diet, improper regulation, damage to the spleen and kidneys The standard of living of modern people is high, they can eat whatever they want, eat whenever they want, and eat as much as they want. As everyone knows, such eating habits are very harmful to the spleen. Overeating or eating too much wine and meat will inevitably increase the burden of spleenization. It always puts a great burden on the spleen, and there will be a time when it can't move. If the spleen transport function is derelict in its duties, wet phlegm will be produced. Traditional Chinese medicine has the saying that "all diseases are caused by phlegm" and "strange diseases are mostly caused by phlegm", because wet evil causes disease, sticky and sticky, heavy turbidity and difficulty, can flow into meridian joints, can stagnate the surface of internal organs, can block qi machine, easy to damage yang, the body is not clear, the qi machine is not smooth, over time, it will bring various miscellaneous diseases.

Another example is that some people blow air conditioners in summer, drink cold drinks, and are comfortable. Think about it, there is no way to excrete wet, not to mention, the function of the main transport of the spleen is also curbed by cold products. The spleen is "like dryness and dampness", cold drink this thing is very easy to hurt the spleen and yang, plus itself is a wet thing, once the spleen is injured, the water moisture can not be melted, wet evil turns to the spleen, it becomes a vicious circle.

For example, many girls like cool clothes, when the weather is not so hot, they eagerly dress very cool, or the season is cool in autumn, and they still wear "beautiful freezing". Of course, cold qi will harm the yang qi of the human body, especially the kind of small short clothes, the navel and back waist are all exposed, which is an extremely harmful behavior to the body. The belly button, called "Shenque" in Chinese medicine, means the palace where the Yuan God lives; The back waist is where the "door of life" is, meaning the door of life, these two acupuncture points are the key points on the two veins of the human body, as a result, you expose such an important place outside every day, the wind and cold invade, can you not get sick?

Think too much, stress There was a question on Zhihu: Why do so many people drive home and sit in the car for a long time when they get downstairs? One answer was particularly high: A lot of times I don't want to get off the bus because it's a cut-off point. Open the car door and you are firewood, rice, oil and salt, father, son, husband, but not yourself; In the car, a person wants to be quiet in the car, smoke a cigarette, this body belongs to himself.

There is no word "easy" in adult life. Look at the current adult insomnia rate (38.2%, 2016 Chinese Sleep Research Association research data), the proportion of sub-healthy people in China (70%, 2016 World Health Organization report data), depression-dominated mood disorders, anxiety disorders prevalence (7.6%, 2019 "China Mental Disorders Disease Burden and Health Service Utilization" project data) to know how stressed adults are.

According to TCM, the "five zhi" (anger, joy, thought, sadness, and fear) correspond to the "five internal organs" (liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys). Excessive thinking can damage the temper. A person's excessive worry and thinking will lead to tea and food not thinking about it. The spleen is wounded, and wetness is produced.

It's time to dehumidify your body

Many people are prone to sleepiness in spring, especially during the Qingming and valley rainy seasons, partly because of excessive humidity. On the one hand, this season is full of spring rain, the climate is warm and cold, and the evil of cold and humidity is easy to make people lose their yang; On the other hand, in winter, for the cold to supplement, most of the food is greasy, the burden of the spleen is very heavy, easy to produce internal dampness, coupled with cold, dampness is not easy to disperse, the body will accumulate some moisture, through the spring season to dehumidify is also timely.

Knowing the reasons for the heavy moisture above, you basically know how to avoid "heavy moisture" in the body. More contact with nature, more sun, insist on exercise every day, it is best to sweat, do not eat raw and cold things, do not eat too full and greasy, the back of the navel should be warm, learn to reduce stress and relax, are all effective moves to keep the body healthy, the yang of the spleen and kidneys is strong, so as to be able to transport water and moisture, transpiration and dampness.

In addition, some foods also have the effect of strengthening the spleen, warming the yang, and dissolving moisture. For example, poria, lotus seeds, winter melon, coix kernels, ginger, dried ginger, white lentils, sand kernels, tangerine peel, cinnamon, adzuki beans, carp, shrimp, etc., most of these ingredients can also be used in medicine, and some intake can be appropriately increased in daily life. If the symptoms of "heavy moisture" are serious and the effect of daily life conditioning is not obvious, it is recommended to consult a doctor for treatment.

Text/Zhao Runshuo (Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital)