We are interested, in our weekly meeting “Tout Sexplication”, in the ephemeral sexual adventures of French women, based on a survey by the Wyylde Observatory of recreational sexuality of European women.

A European survey led by the Ifop polling institute, published on December 21, 2022. This observation focuses on the various forms of occasional sexuality of European women when dating online.

Our speaker of the day: François Kraus, director of the Politics/News department at Ifop, in charge in particular of the “Gender and sexualities” expertise.

Which French women ready for a one-night stand?

Do French women quickly give a sexual dimension to their relationships?

Are they more and less, or less and less, followers of casual sex?

Who are they ?

Are there differences according to socio-professional categories, according to age?

Let's recall a number before this podcast.

Nearly one out of two Europeans (47%) has already had sexual intercourse at least once outside of an ongoing relationship, in the sense of a relationship that begins before coitus and continues afterwards.

Enjoy listening to this interview!

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“Tout Sexplication” is a weekly interview meeting where we discuss sexuality, health and society.

If you have questions on these topics, we send them to health professionals, experts, key witnesses so that they can answer them in a podcast.

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