The hyena is a cautious animal and does not rush into battle with any opponent.

Not like a lion.

The hyena needs the victim to be weakened, or even better, just die.

And the hyena has bad PR and presentation.

Absolutely like in Poland, and from ancient times.

Therefore, all this brouhaha (in Russian, “hype”) around more than a trillion of some kind of reparations that suddenly Germany (of course, the aggressor country) owes Poland, only once again confirms the brilliant reputation of the Polish state (to Stanislav Lem and Cheslav Nemen - no claims, they are not the state).

Today, the insane demands of Poland, provoked by the ruling nationalist PiS party, have reached a new level.

It looks like this: “Poland asked the UN to help get war reparations from Germany.

According to the country's Deputy Foreign Minister Arkadiusz Mulyarchik, it is necessary to create some kind of "platform for dialogue with Germany, which does not want to conduct this dialogue."

That is, Poland was so disoriented in space that it ran to the "big boys" for help in implementing its crazy plan to get $1.3 trillion.

They are trying to draw the UN into a conflict that has long been resolved, I would say, back in 1953, when it was Poland who completely refused further payments and assistance from Germany.

And it was even clear why.

As a result of the Second World War, Poland received vast territories that previously belonged to Germany, including the notorious Danzig / Gdansk, not to mention Stettin / Szczecin.

Moreover, she received the property of the Germans in these territories, including the surviving enterprises, and expanded her presence in the Baltic Sea.

And if you look humanly, from a fashionable humanitarian point of view, the process of expulsion of the German conditionally civilian population (and we understand that during the war "civilian population" is a rather shaky category, especially when it comes to an ideologically indoctrinated mass) was so ugly and bloody on the part of the Poles, that if now we start counting crimes in a new way, it will not be very clear who owes whom.

But the state of Poland prefers not to think about it and not talk about it, believing that with arrogance and impudence it is possible to snatch an amount comparable to the GDP of an industrial power.

But why is it possible only now?

Why, since 1953, the Poles kept quiet and only massively drove to their damned neighbors to earn money, taking with them wagons of building materials and home appliances, which were five to ten times cheaper than in Germany?

Answer: because they were afraid of the growing power of the FRG and, of course, the post-war curator of the FRG - America.

They pounced on the weakening lion only now, when it became obvious how, militarily, through the efforts of a series of young ladies - ministers of defense, appointed according to the gender quota, the Bundeswehr turned into a laughingstock and shame.

And this is already impossible to hide, watching how the Minister of Defense Lambrecht, in her New Year's address, tells how she spent this year nicely because of the war in Ukraine and "met nice people."

Greater debilizm is hard to imagine.

Everyone sees how the $100 billion defense budget suddenly began to seep through our fingers, and the new German tanks still cannot budge due to design errors.

How pro-Ukrainian hysteria kills its own defense capability.

Not to mention the economy, where Germany is cut off from Nord Stream by sabotage, and on the same day a pipeline from Norway to Poland is launched.

So it's time to try to bite your piece off the ass of this decrepit animal.

And it doesn’t matter who exactly said the phrase “Poland is the hyena of Europe”: Churchill on his Twitter or Trotsky on his Telegram channel.

The main thing is that it's true.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.