The money and donations in kind collected from the French during the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic have generally been used wisely, according to the Court of Auditors.

In a report published on Monday, the organization recalled that 200 million euros had been collected in a few months to deal with the crisis.

This sum, collected by five philanthropic organizations, could be "deployed quickly", according to the Court.

More than half went to support patients and caregivers and the rest went to medical research and helping vulnerable people.

Research projects funded in 2020

The investigation by the Court of Auditors, empowered to control “public money” but also “public money”, was carried out on the use of donations collected during Covid-19 by the French Red Cross, the Fondation de France, the Institut Pasteur, the AP-HP Foundation, and the Hospital Foundation.

The generosity of the French was particularly marked during this period.

Thus, the Hospital Foundation multiplied its collection by nine between 2019 and 2020, and the AP-HP Foundation by 11. In addition to money, the French offered food products, microwave ovens for hospital rest rooms or sophrology sessions for caregivers.

With the money raised, the organizations have funded research projects, medical equipment, meal trays for caregivers or tablets to facilitate communication between nursing home residents and their families.

These projects were “in line with the messages of appeals for donations” according to the Court, which notes however that “information to donors should be improved” a posteriori.


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