[Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  My name is Wu Minxian, I am 30 years old this year. My main business is fitness, and my side business is now selling Taiwanese salted crispy chicken.

  【on site】

  A little more sweet potato, brother.

  Scan the QR code in the order in which you line up. After scanning the QR code and ordering the meal, wait a moment.

  [Explanation] The main job is a professional fitness coach, and the amateur is a handsome salt-fried chicken snack stall owner. Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian interprets it with one person and two corners. In Guangzhou, the city of gourmet, there is also a popular ancient Taiwanese flavor.

  [Explanation] Every time I open a stall, it always attracts long queues of customers. The simple stall does not affect everyone's enthusiasm. Before the salted chicken is out of the pot, countless taste buds are ready to move.

This is the report card that Wu Minxian handed over just two months after he became the "Idol School" Taiwanese snack stall owner.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  The reason why I want to sell salted crispy chicken is that, first of all, this is my favorite food in my hometown, and my purpose of selling a stall is not to make money, but to make Taiwanese snacks more affordable. People can eat it, especially the ancient taste.

  [Commentary] Wu Minxian is from Taipei. Fitness and food are his two hobbies. In 2017, at the suggestion of a friend, he chose to come to Guangzhou to seize the "fitness boom" in the mainland and start a new career.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  (Friend) He told me that the fitness industry was in Guangzhou at that time, and everyone just started to like it. Just like in the early days of Taiwan, fitness may suddenly become hot.

So he told me that the environment in Guangzhou is good in all aspects, and asked me to come and have a look.

  [Explanation] The youth from Treasure Island are destined to become trend-setters.

Fitness has just become a new life trend for young people in mainland China in recent years. On the other hand, the new trend in the economic and cultural fields is also one after another.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  That's because I was originally a catering businessman in Taiwan, so at that time (Guangzhou) just started to sell trunk stalls, then I want to say that I originally tried to sell my salted chicken in the community, and everyone's reputation has been good, then I I started to keep up with this rhythm, and then I didn't expect that on the first day of the booth, there were probably more than 100 fans standing in front of it, and I was quite moved.

  [Commentary] With his experience working in restaurants in Taiwan and his personality like to pursue perfection, Wu Minxian constantly improves the taste of his own salted chicken, sweet and spicy, rice blood cake, sweet plum and sweet potato, from home The kitchen was brought to the neighbors of the community, and the trunk of the car was used to bring it to the market, becoming the "popular king".

  [Explanation] Authentic taste, high-quality products, plus the added value of "the most beautiful boy in this street", the ancient taste brought by this "Taiwan customer" is already well-known in Guangzhou, but he also I am often amazed by how well local customers understand Taiwanese culture.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  Some fans and friends may have been to Taiwan several times, so they even know very well what they eat, what ingredients, what raw materials are made of, and how does it taste? I will introduce his friends. , and then told him that this must be eaten, and that it must be eaten when going to Taiwan. I was quite surprised. It turns out that everyone still likes the food in Taiwan.

  [Commentary] Wu Minxian looks back on his entrepreneurial path. In the city of Guangzhou, he has changed from a tourist to a builder here.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese youth Wu Minxian

  Even since I came to Guangzhou in 2017 to the present, I don’t think it will make me regret it. It has given me a lot of knowledge in my life. I also feel that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are actually one family, so everyone from the mainland and Guangzhou are also very enthusiastic. Yes, even if a Taiwanese friend asks me how the mainland is, I think it's good to say it, and it's very suitable to come here for development.

  Reporter Wang Qingran reports from Guangzhou

Responsible editor: [He Sanli]