[Commentary] Crossing the Tianshan Mountains, turning over Qilian, crossing the Gobi, and crossing the Qinling Mountains; going out of Xinjiang, crossing Gansu, going to Sichuan, and returning to Chongqing... On January 25, Le Xiaoyun, a young man from Chongqing, set off from Horgos, Xinjiang on horseback alone. When we arrived at Fengjie, our hometown, Chongqing, the whole journey was 4,400 kilometers and lasted nearly 7 months.

  Le Xiaoyun has always had a dream of traveling on horseback. He feels that his character is like an untamed wild horse. He wants to experience hardships and hone his will through riding.

  In 2020, Le Xiaoyun went to Xinjiang to play around, and an idea came to his mind - buy a horse and ride home from Xinjiang.

This idea is a bit wild, he has been thinking about it for a long time, and he has not made up his mind to implement it.

Until the end of June 2021, he finally made up his mind to buy a chrysanthemum green horse in Zhaosu, Xinjiang, and named it "Hot Pot" with his only savings of 50,000 yuan.

In July 2021, Le Xiaoyun started the long journey on horseback alone.

  [Concurrent] Le Xiaoyun

  I think this is the way I want to experience the most, and I think there may be many experiences along the way that cannot be experienced by other means of transportation.

  [Commentary] Riding a thousand miles sounds romantic and poetic, but along the way, Le Xiaoyun has experienced various difficulties.

He was attacked by wolves, cold waves, and food poisoning along the way. In the end, his heart continued to settle during the journey.

  Starting from Horgos, Xinjiang, passing through Zhaosu, and crossing the Tianshan Mountains through the northern section of the Duku Highway, Le Xiaoyun rode a horse through Jiayuguan, crossed the Hexi Corridor, and spent his 29th birthday on Qilian Mountain. After 8 pairs of horseshoes, he finally entered Sichuan from the Qinling Mountains and returned to his hometown, Fengjie, Chongqing.

  [Concurrent] Le Xiaoyun

  From Xinjiang, Gansu, Sichuan, and Chongqing, I have gained a lot of friends, not only friends, but some of them are friendships, and family-like ones. They will help me at any cost.

  [Commentary] During the journey, Le Xiaoyun often has to climb over some uninhabited mountains and grasslands. In order to pass the loneliness during the journey, he shared the interesting facts of the journey through live broadcast, and gained the attention of more than 100,000 fans.

After returning to his hometown, he wanted to use his "Internet celebrity" status to promote the rich history, culture and beautiful natural scenery of his hometown.

  Reported by Xiao Jiangchuan Leiteng Chongqing

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]