Oldfluencer was listed along with professions such as vertical grower and robot personality designer as a future profession by the organization TRR a couple of years ago.

One person who has taken note of this is Ingemar Albertsson, who under the name "Vintagemannen" is followed by over 13,500 people on Instagram.

There he shows off his solid collection of vintage clothes - often older costumes.

- There are people who have not sat down and are waiting to feed the pigeons, but still have the same amount of energy left even though you are 70, says Ingemar Albertsson in the cultural program Sweden !.

Maria Sörensson also calls herself an old fluencer.

Her fashion account "Aginginstyle" has 9,500 followers on Instagram.

See the entire cultural program Sweden!

Saturday 27 November at 19:00 on SVT1 or already now on SVT Play.