Afsané Sabouhi 9:50 a.m., November 01, 2021, modified at 9:50 a.m., November 01, 2021

With the operation "Tobacco-free month" which begins this Monday, the health authorities accompany smokers who wish to quit smoking by accompanying them.

Professional help increases the chances of quitting by 70%.

And going a whole month without smoking offers a good chance of quitting permanently.

Thinking of quitting smoking?

Now is the right time to get started.

This Monday begins the first day of the Month without Tobacco, a national operation to support all those who take up the challenge of smoking cessation.

85,000 smokers have already registered on the platform to be accompanied by professionals.

A precious help, when we know the ordeal that quitting smoking can represent for some smokers.

Here are three good reasons to get started now.


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Professional help increases your chances of success by 70%

The big advantage of the Tobacco Free Month is that the smoker is not alone in trying to quit, since they know there are many other people involved in the challenge.

We often hear that it takes an average of seven failed attempts to successfully quit smoking.

In fact, this number corresponds to people who try to quit on their own, without any help.

To be accompanied, and especially to be accompanied by a professional, increases by 70% the chances of succeeding in quitting smoking.

Angel number 39 89 can be a gateway to start.

Consult a general practitioner as well. 

The health professional motivates, of course, but his help is crucial to overcome the lack of nicotine, in particular through replacement products.

"The advantage of taking nicotine is not to have the sign of withdrawal, not to be stressed or anxious, and not to have cravings", explains Marion Adler, tobacco specialist at Antoine Hospital -Béclère in Clamart.

"For that, you have to have a treatment like the patch that calms the urge to smoke all day long and then combine it with rapid forms of nicotine intake such as gums and lozenges," she continues.

In 24 hours you will feel the first benefits

Once the effects of the lack of nicotine are under control, the benefits are immediate.

In 24 hours, you have eliminated the carbon monoxide which took the place of oxygen in your red blood cells, so you breathe better, you look better, you sleep better, in short you are feeling better.

Holding out for a month increases the chances of a lasting shutdown

If you go tobacco-free for a month, you multiply your chances of staying smoke-free afterwards by five. 

Figures which, for the moment, do not seem to completely convince the French: last year, just over 125,000 people registered online for the Month without tobacco, against more than 200,000 the previous year.

The Covid has certainly been there.

But that number had already started to decline.

However, tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable death, killing 75,000 people in France each year.