A man in his 70s,

who said, "I have become a completely different body in Corona,"

has a hobby of climbing, such as climbing Mt. Tsurugi in the Northern Alps, and was confident in his physical strength.

However, after being infected with the new coronavirus and hospitalized, the symptoms suddenly worsened.

At one point I was prepared to die.

A man who is still suffocating almost half a year after the infection.

"Don't underestimate the corona" is an urgent complaint.

I can't breathe because of the heat

It was last year that a man in his 70s living in Nagano Prefecture was confirmed to be infected.

A colleague at work was infected and the test I received was positive just in case.

It is said that there were no symptoms at first.

The night of the 4th day after continuing home medical treatment.

I had a fever of 39 degrees, so when I was examined at the hospital, I had already had pneumonia and was hospitalized as it was.

The most distressing men were high fever and severe coughing.


"I take antipyretics up to 3 times a day from my doctor, but even if I take 3 times, I was struck by the fever, saying," I want to drink more "and" I have to drink more, I can't hold my body. " I wondered if I couldn't do it and I would die like this. "

Prepared to die I called my son about organizing his surroundings

"I remembered the faces of people I met a long time ago like a magic lantern." As I was

about to become conscious, my doctor asked


, "If my symptoms worsen, are you willing to use a respirator or an exo?" I did.

The man, who was prepared to die, called his son.

This is to tell you about how to organize your personal belongings after you die.


"I'm having trouble with how to handle my own house and children, so please consult with a scrivener I know. I didn't know what kind of procedure was necessary for my workplace, so please tell me the name of your boss. I told him I should follow my boss. "

For illnesses where the lungs are punctured and air is released

It turned out that the man had a high fever and severe coughing for about 10 days, and had a disease called "pneumothorax" in which the lungs were punctured and air was released.

He had a medical examination every year, but until then he had never been told that he had a lung disease.

My doctor told me that I had "emphysema" because I had smoked for many years.

A man

said, "Even if you leave the hospital, it is difficult to breathe on your own and you may need to inhale oxygen with a machine." After that, I spent my hospital stay by asking the workplace about retirement procedures. "

Even after being discharged from the hospital, I was suffocating and my head was in a state like "haze"

Men were originally confident in their physical fitness.

My hobby is mountain climbing, and I climbed Mt. Tsurugi in the Northern Alps.

It is said that he has climbed 57 of the 100 famous mountains in Japan.

Even so.

After being discharged from the hospital, it is necessary to take two breaks just to climb the slope about 100 meters in front of the house, and it is said that if you do not take a deep breath, you will feel suffocated.

I had to give up the mountain climbing that I loved.

I also feel that after being infected with corona, my thinking ability has declined significantly, with a "haze" in my head.

"Fortunately,'emphysema' hasn't become severe and I can breathe on my own, but I'm suffocating and I can't talk or exercise for a long time. I feel it. "

"I want to live more" to change my mind about death

At the end of the interview, the man showed me the ending note that he wrote five years ago.

At that time, I didn't want to feel pain before I died, so I wrote in my notebook that I didn't want life-prolonging treatment.

But after the death-conscious experience in Corona, I now change my mind.


"I was seriously prepared to die, but fortunately I was able to come back, so I wanted to live more as long as I was saved. I want to tell you," Look at Corona sweetly. "Don't do it." I was overconfident that I was okay, but I would like to reiterate that I am a really scary illness. "

(Interviewed by Shintaro Makino, Nagano Bureau reporter)