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Various segments and categories in social media!

Sami Al Riyami


April 25, 2021

Like it or not, and whether we agree or disagree on the size of the positive or negative impact of social media, we must acknowledge and acknowledge that it has become the most important tools for influencing society, and it is one of the most important and dangerous means of raising young people and "educating them" as well, but the problem is That this culture may be positive and benefit the individual and society, and it may be destructive, spreading hatred and negative values, brainwashing and destroying youth and societies.

We are facing different styles, shapes and categories of influencers in social media. For example, a segment of them does not seek fame, nor does it seek money, and it is a useful segment that provides appropriate, useful and harmless content, such as public figures, office holders, and some businessmen, They are well-known people and have their pioneering positions in society, and they do not lack fame, but they seek to spread their opinions and useful directions, and spread knowledge, and there is another segment that does not seek fame and does not seek money, crudely and directly, but they come to it indirectly, and it is also a useful segment that provides content Useful, for example, many well-known specialists in the fields of medicine or engineering or consultants in various fields, or intellectuals, have information and useful content that they provide to the community, and they do not mind if this has an indirect effect on their financial or moral status, and this is a legitimate right that is not disputed. .

There is a group that is not looking for anything in the first place, except to be aware, to be present and to keep up with technology, and it is a segment that does not harm it.

As for the dangerous segment, which was the focus of my talk in a beautiful Ramadan evening, organized by the Sharjah Press Club, and it was titled “The Pursuit of Fame… Material Benefit or Talent”, this segment is what has come to be known as “Empty Celebrities”, and it is the most dangerous segment on the one hand. Its negative impact on society, specifically future generations.

The “emptiness celebrities” do not present anything useful and of value. The skin may be a beauty expert, and whoever holds an intermediate degree in nutrition may become an expert in nutrition and agility, and whoever mixes two plants together may become a herbalist .. Thus until we have tens of experts in medicinal herbs and alternative medicine treatments, and experts in psychological counseling and community counseling, and in the arts Cooking, social, family, and emotional relationships ... and so are experts in everything, but not because of their experience and skills, but thanks to social communication.

Also, the obsession with fame may push some of them to a direct clash with the culture of society, and do not hesitate to attack the constants of values, only to gain fame, even though what he offers is superficial and immature, and some of them do not hesitate to make himself a laughing stock to gain fame.

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