A mobile service using a car with an advanced system that automates all driving operations began on the 25th in Eiheiji Town, Fukui Prefecture.

Such an automatic driving function is called "Level 3" and is the first to be put into practical use in Japan.

In Eiheiji Town, Fukui Prefecture, a demonstration experiment is being conducted for the practical application of self-driving cars, and so far last year at the level of "level 2" where one security personnel rides on a remotely operated cart-type car. Business operation has been carried out since December.

And with the approval of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, it is the first time in Japan that the system automatically performs all driving operations such as steering wheel and brake operation without the need for security personnel to get on board. It will start.

There are two types of vehicles, 4-seater and 6-seater, which travel on the promenade of the 2 km section from Aratani to Shibi in Eiheiji Town at a maximum speed of 12 km / h, and the person in charge at the facility along the road uses a camera etc. Operate remotely according to the situation while checking the situation.

Takahiro Nakaya of the Eiheiji Town General Policy Division said, "This is not the goal, and I would like to proceed with research toward further efficiency and safe operation."

Vehicles operated at "Level 3" are operated on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and on weekdays, operations at "Level 2" where security personnel are on board will continue.

The fare is 100 yen for adults and 50 yen for junior high school students and younger.