The beheading of a lyceum teacher by a young Islamist on the outskirts of Paris shocked the public almost more than the execution of Charlie Hebdo magazine employees a few years ago, committed right in the editorial building.

Perhaps it was the method of the murder.

Shooting from automatic weapons is a thing known to Europeans.

Let us recall the Norwegian murderer Breivik (and if only him).

But the decapitation already gives off to the Middle Ages.

Or the morals that reign in completely wild lands, where Islamists rule.

The feeling was aggravated by the killer's note: “To Macron, ruler of the infidels.

I executed one of your hellish dogs (chiens d'enfer). "

What gives rise to the feeling of a complete spatial-temporal shift and begs: "How did we come to this life and what are you, gentlemen, doing with us?"

The reason for the brutal murder that interferes with Paris and Idlib was the occupation prescribed by the French Ministry of Defense - it was not the deceased teacher who invented it himself, it was ministerial officials who invented it - on which they talk about the benefits of tolerance.

The deceased showed the students Charlie Hebdo's caricatures of the prophet Mohammed (dirty, obscene - in accordance with the style of the magazine), after which the young Mohammedan, instead of being tolerant, became, on the contrary, intolerant and cut off the teacher's head.

Nobody justifies the thug - and it is difficult to justify - but indignation at the criminal act does not prevent us from asking the question: “Well, there was no other way to tell about the benefits of tolerance?

Only shock therapy (for an obscene caricature of Mohammed cannot but shock the believing Mohammedan) is capable of producing tolerance? "

The answer to the question soon followed.

The leaders of 13 French regions, in response to the brutal murder, offered to publish a book of political and religious cartoons.

They plan to make the book available to students of all lyceums.

Which, probably, should be understood as the compulsory acquisition of all lyceum libraries with "Selected Caricatures".

According to the initiator of the undertaking, the head of the council of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region Renault Muselier, the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer has already supported this proposal.

That is, the answer to the murder will be a multiple multiplication of reasons to annoy the Mohammedans.

After all (unless, of course, the publication of a collection of cartoons is a purely formal reply, and then everyone will immediately forget about it - and this, of course, is the best option) it will be a textbook, which means that children will have to study it, write essays on it, etc. ...

It is not difficult to predict how the Mohammedan students and their older relatives will like this.

Of course, this can be explained by the logic "we will never bend before the savage killers and will be loyal to the ideals of the Republic."

More precisely, to the manuals of Lenin's (that is, Voltaire's) lesson, sent to schools by Monsieur Blanker.

But deflection is something else.

For example, the termination of teaching experiences in terms of tolerance.

Or - scary to say - a cover for Charlie Hebdo.

If you really want to, then there is no impossible: France is quite a police state.

For more than half a century after the liberation in 1944, the topic of collaboration - abundant and sad - was strictly taboo.

For otherwise it would have to affect a lot of every nation.

President Mitterrand, for example.

And nothing: very carefully dealt with the slippery topic and no great republican traditions prevented this delicate silence.

Just silence (when needed) is one thing.

Whereas Charlie Hebdo's mockery is completely different.

This is the palladium of French republicanism.

Doubtful, of course, palladium, but it just so happened.

From Voltaire ("Crush the reptile!") And the encyclopedists to the secular laws of 1905, separating the church from the state, everything went along this line and even seemed to work out.

The Catholic Church, which has not always been the embodiment of meekness and humility in French history, finally pacified completely, becoming a purely ethnographic institution - at least from an external point of view.

But if it was possible to tame Rome, which for almost 20 centuries ruled over the souls and bodies of people, then the taming of Islam will all the more pass by the methods of the same Voltaireanism and libertinage.

And in this sense, Charlie Hebdo is an important ideological institution, which cannot be controlled in any way, let alone spread rot, but which should be honored and encouraged.

On the other hand, this view looks very inadequate, but the Republic cannot be beaten here, it is firm.

It is not clear how the disgusting mockery and even more disgusting acts of violence from multicultural citizens can stop.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.