More than 1.2 million women rewarded anchors announced that 900,000 yuan will be returned to the court

  The handsome net celebrity fitness coach deeply attracted Ms. Zheng. She gave her a total of more than 1.2 million yuan through rewards, transfers, skin care products, cigarettes, etc. After Ms. Zheng's husband found out, he directly sued the net celebrity coach to court and demanded the money back. Can men's demands be realized? Recently, the Jiangbei District Court of Chongqing City heard this dispute.

  In April 2018, Zheng met online celebrity fitness coach Meng through Douyin. Meng has a handsome appearance and a good body, and Zheng is deeply attracted by him. In order to express his admiration for Meng, Zheng has repeatedly donated more than 1.2 million yuan of property to Meng through rewards, transfers, gifts of skin care products, and cigarettes.

  Ms. Zheng’s husband, Liu, was sued to the Jiangbei District Court of Chongqing City after learning of the above, requesting confirmation that Zheng’s donation of more than 1.2 million yuan of property to Meng was invalid and asked Meng to return it.

  The court found that the property acquired during the marriage between Liu and Zheng belonged to the husband and wife. If one party makes an important decision on the joint property of the husband and wife not due to daily life, it shall consult on an equal footing; if no consensus is reached, the disposition of the joint property without authorization is generally deemed invalid. Zheng gave a large amount of property to Meng, which obviously exceeded the scope of daily life needs.

  In the end, after the judge presided over the mediation, the two parties reached a mediation agreement, and Meng agreed to return the property of Liu and Zheng to 900,000 yuan.

  Chongqing Morning News·Upstream News Reporter Xu Qin Correspondent Liao Wenhan Intern Tang Yuxin

Liao Wenhan