China News Service, Taizhou, July 13 (Reporter Fan Yubin Correspondent Jin Xiaoxin) The green mountains set off, surrounded by green water. Along the beautiful road of Xiaozhi Town, Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, Aohu Village jumped into sight. Brand-new buildings lined up, the village has small parks with complete facilities, and various flowers and plants in the green belt are struggling... And the beautiful village boutique in Taizhou City, which is famous in the near future, was "sunny gray, rainy mud" as early as 6 years ago. Every family wants to run out of the "hollow village".

  Village Butterfly Change, you can see from the story of three young people.

 "Veterans" with heroic dreams

  Zhang Pengcheng has been engaged in outdoor military development in the field since he retired from the Shanghai Armed Police Secret Service. In 2006, when he returned to his hometown by accident, he discovered that the rural tourism in his hometown was flourishing, which gave him the idea of ​​staying in his hometown. So he quit his job at that time and started to go back to his hometown to start a business.

  "What to do?" This was Zhang Pengcheng's most distressed question when he returned home. Outdoor military development requires venues, but is the countryside the most natural venue? After repeated thinking, Zhang Pengcheng decided to return to the "old bank".

Yu Lijian pruned the dragon fruit. Photo courtesy of Xiaozhi Town, Linhai City

  He was born in a military family and always had a "heroic dream" in his heart. Whether he joined the army at the beginning or his later work, it is all related to the "military". He found that many children are now more squeamish and have poor physical fitness. Outdoor military development activities can not only strengthen the body, but also let the children understand the life of the army. Rural tourism is the right time, and outdoor military development is promising.

  From organizing events to picking up groups on the weekend, Zhang Pengcheng was very happy on the way of entrepreneurship. He took Aohu Village as a fixed venue and took the children to play live-action CS, bringing wave after wave of weekend tours to the village. At the same time, he "formed an alliance" with the villagers to purchase lunch ingredients from the village, turning many "local goods" into "bags of money".

"Post-90s college students" in orchard business

  Yu Lijian is only 30 years old this year, but he is already an experienced "new peasant". Recently, he was busy pruning dragon fruit and tanned his skin.

  In 2014, Yu Lijian planned to find a large area for the development of pollution-free orchards. Starting from his hometown Linhai Duqiao, he was not satisfied with many places. The beautiful Aohu Village attracted him.

  "My father has always been engaged in agricultural production, so I also have a feeling of hard to let go of the land. After graduating from college, I returned to my hometown. I found that the rural area left us a lot of room for development. Running an orchard is my business." Yu Lijian recalled that when he first arrived in Aohu Village, many friends didn't understand it and felt that this "hollow village" could have any development prospects. He did not explain too much, but began to coordinate matters related to land lease with the village.

  After learning about Yu Lijian’s entrepreneurial project, Xiaozhi Town of Linhai City immediately sent Zhou Hong, a member of the Rural Rejuvenation Youth Force, to connect with him. Not only did Yu Lijian solve the problems of policy handling and land circulation, but also opened up the road network of the entire village, and built irrigation ditches for the orchard, which solved Yu Lijian's worries.

  In this way, Yu Lijian's 230-acre "Happy Farm" took root in Aohu Village. The farm has six or seven kinds of fruits such as cherries, dragon fruit, kiwi, etc., and the harvest period is up to half a year. In addition to creating 200,000 yuan of land rent for the village every year, every time the fruit matures, large and small vehicles will flood into the village of Aohu, bringing a lot of "popularity" to the village.

 "85" after returning home

  Long Ao Village is adjacent to Ao Hu Village and has a long history of marriage custom culture in eastern Zhejiang. Mao Wushun, a guy in Long Ao Village, has taken this market potential into consideration. A few years ago, he took over the burden of Mao Jiaban Huajiao from his father and became the fifth-generation heir.

Mao Wushun and Mao Jiaban Huajiao. Photo courtesy of Xiaozhi Town, Linhai City

  The joy of joy led Aohu Village from "lonely" to "lively". On weekends and holidays, Mao Wushun moved the sedan chair and musical instruments to the small park of Aohu Village, where some folk activities were carried out to attract tourists to come and play.

  "Traditional folklore really has roots and growth in the place of origin. Combining folklore with the market will allow more children to understand our folklore and better inherit our culture." Dongfeng, once again the traditional folklore shines, Mao Wushun grafted the folklore culture to the rural tour, and promoted the local economic development while inheriting the traditional culture.

Mao Wushun introduced folk customs to the children. Photo courtesy of Xiaozhi Town, Linhai City

  "I usually go to the Huajiao team of Maojiaban as a sedan when I have free time. I can earn a hundred dollars a day. Maojiaban engages in activities in our village and brings some city tourists every time. I will also buy a few catties of Xiaozhi rice noodles and souvenirs. We can also earn income at home." Speaking of Mao Wushun, 56-year-old Hu Jihua was very grateful in his words.

  The arrival of the three young people brought new vitality and vitality to the original deserted village of Aohu, and also wrote a wonderful stroke for the "hollow village" to the "xiaokang village". (Finish)