World heritage Gifu Shirakawa Village calls for refraining from tourism New measures against corona May 2 11:50

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in Shirakawa-mura, Gifu prefecture, where the villages of Gassho-zukuri are registered as a World Heritage site, tourists will be increased by increasing the number of security guards on the village road during the long holidays starting from 2nd. I am calling to refrain from.

The world heritage area of ​​Shirakawa-mura is a popular tourist destination, which is visited by approximately 10,000 tourists a day during the long holidays, but this year, 5 days from 2 to 6 days, in principle, It is closed.

All the tourist facilities and parking lots in the village will be closed, and the locations of guards such as village roads will be increased to 5 places to prevent tourists from entering the village.

Also, the electronic bulletin board along the national road heading to the Gassho Village said, "Since Shirakawago is closed, it will be a U-turn in the future."

On the 2nd, there were few tourist cars visiting the village, so it was a deserted one.

Mr. Hirosho Koseki of the Shirakawa Village Tourism Promotion Division said, "I want you to cooperate with the self-restraint of tourism in order to protect the lives of villagers and tourists. Instead, when the infection has subsided, I will do my best to provide hospitality."