Have you pinpointed the timing of opening the door and opening the window?

  During the epidemic, the hygienic habits of washing hands, wearing masks, and ventilating are presumably familiar to you. Among them, opening windows to ventilate can not only keep the room dry, but also slow down the spread of the virus and make people feel comfortable. However, when it comes to opening windows, there are tricks and doorways. Do you know the secret of "443" ventilation? Hurry up and "copy homework".

Four types of airtight pollutants invade your home

  Experts from the Health Education Institute of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention introduced that the sources of indoor pollutants mainly include chemical pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, combustion products, etc .; physical pollutants, such as noise, radiation from household appliances; and biological pollution , Such as dust mites, various pathogenic microorganisms; radioactive pollutants, such as the radioactive substance "radon" in building materials.

  Taking carbon dioxide CO2 as an example, the content of CO2 in normal air is 0.03% to 0.04%, and the combustion of gas exhaled by the human body and carbon-containing substances will increase the concentration of CO2. When the CO2 concentration reaches 0.15%, the human body will experience discomfort; when the concentration reaches 8% to 10%, the human body will have difficulty breathing, general weakness, and muscle twitching. Therefore, long-term non-ventilation will lead to insufficient oxygen in the room. In such an environment for a long time, it will cause dizziness, headache, increased blood pressure, and even cause other diseases.

  In addition, the airless environment is also suitable for the growth and reproduction of many bacteria and viruses, thereby increasing the possibility of respiratory diseases.

Please enter the "Air Vitamin"

  Ventilation is an effective way to introduce fresh air to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants and adjust indoor temperature and humidity. And natural ventilation also has the advantages of comfort, energy saving, convenience, etc. It is very important for keeping the indoor air clean and fresh.

  How obvious is the effect of ventilation? You will know by looking at a set of quantitative data. Studies in student dormitories have shown that the total number of indoor air colonies decreased by 36.0% after opening the window for 10 minutes compared to when there was no window ventilation, and the total number of indoor air colonies dropped by 74.3% after two hours of indoor ventilation. It can be seen that after a short period of ventilation, the microbial content of the dormitory has decreased significantly; when the ventilation is longer and there is no person, the indoor microbial content is the least.

  In addition, experts said that opening windows to increase ventilation can also increase indoor negative air ions that are good for your health. Air negative oxygen ions are important substances for maintaining biological health on the earth. It can regulate the excitement and suppression of the human central nervous system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex, promote hematopoietic function and lung ventilation capacity, improve human immunity, and is known as "air vitamin".

  And this kind of negative ions has the highest content in the air of mountain forests and beaches, about 2,500 per cubic centimeter; higher in rural fields, about 1,000 per cubic centimeter; lower towns, about 600 outdoor, indoor There are only 300; in the closed rooms in winter, there are only dozens. Opening a window to ventilate can bring negative ions that are beneficial to the body into the room, and send away excessive positive ions that are harmful to the body.

Remember to ventilate these four points

  1. After getting up early: In the morning, the oxygen content of the indoor air decreases, and when making beds, dust mites, dander, etc. fly around, and the room urgently needs ventilation.

  2. When cooking: cooking methods such as frying and frying will produce a lot of fumes. At this time, the windows and the range hood should be kept open at the same time to promote the discharge of indoor pollutants. After cooking, continue to open the window for more than 10 minutes.

  3. When cleaning: When cleaning the room, dust, bacteria, dust mites and other substances in the room will float in the air, and need to open the window to ventilate to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants.

  4. Before going to bed: When the weather is suitable, open the window for about 15 minutes half an hour before going to bed, which can increase the oxygen content in the indoor air, which is conducive to sleep.

The best time and duration to open the window

  Experts from the Health Education Institute remind you that there are still four particularities about window opening ventilation in terms of time, duration, methods, and effects:

  1. Lecture time: Generally between 8: 00-11: 00 and 13: 00-16: 00, atmospheric diffusion conditions are good, the concentration of pollutants is low, and the effect of window ventilation is good, among which 10:00 and 15 : Around 00 is the best.

  2. Lecture duration: the time for opening the window is 20-30 minutes each time. If only a small slit is opened in the window, the ventilation time needs to be increased to 30-60 minutes. Open the window 3-4 times a day.

  3. Speaking method: The ventilation method is better to form convection, for example, open the farthest windows and doors in the home, and let the flowing air pass through the entire room.

  4. The effect: When sleeping at night, under the condition of ensuring safety, a small slit can be opened in the window to supplement the indoor oxygen.

Don't open the window in haze, light rain and windy days

  1. Haze days: In smog and sand weather, outdoor air pollution is heavy, and doors and windows should be closed.

  2. Light rain: When it rains lightly, the wind speed and wind force are small, which is not conducive to the dilution and diffusion of pollutants. The pollutants in the atmosphere will form wet sedimentation and increase air pollution. Wait for a period of time after the rain, or the weather is clear and the air is fresh, and then open the window to ventilate.

  3. Windy days: strong winds can cause dust and easily spread pollutants in the air. Close the windows when the wind power is above five, and open the window when the wind power is low.

  In addition, in the morning and evening traffic rush hours, the exhaust gas emitted by cars will make the air quality worse. If you live near the main traffic road and the floor is low, it is best to avoid this period of time when opening windows.

  Text / reporter Li Jie