Recently, in addition to the common "left-turn waiting area" on the ground of Nanjing No. 1 intersection, 7 "straight-through waiting areas" have been added, extending to the center of the road about 27 meters, and 1,000 vehicles can be released in one hour during the peak period.

  The intersection is located at the intersection of Shuanglong Avenue and Tianyuan Road in Jiangning District, Nanjing City. The daily traffic volume is 151,000 vehicles and the traffic is extremely congested. To ease the traffic pressure, the traffic control department has set up 7 "straight-through waiting areas", of which south to north 4, 3 from north to south. In addition, an induction screen was added above the signal light, and the words "straight-through vehicles enter the waiting area" flashed on and off. In the case of insufficient light at night, this high-tech zebra crossing can automatically adjust the color of the light according to the change of the signal lights at the intersection to remind the public to travel safely. The local traffic police department said that after the 7 "straight-through waiting areas" were put into use, 50 straight-traffic vehicles were increased within a signal light cycle, and the traffic efficiency was increased by 38%. If the trial is effective, the Nanjing traffic control department will promote the "straight-through waiting" Area".

  (Source: courtesy of Nanjing Public Security Bureau Jiangning Branch Ji Yong, Nanjing, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]