Recruitment of city officials with “snake meta video” Shiga Nagahama October 31 18:01


Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture, has posted a unique video that introduces the people it seeks, along with the intense music of “heavy metal” written and composed by its staff, on the posting site “Youtube”, in order to increase the number of candidates for employment examinations.

In Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture, the number of young people taking employment examinations has been decreasing year by year due to the popularity of employment in private companies, and the number of candidates for this year's employment examinations has dropped to less than half compared to four years ago. .

For this reason, a video using the “heavy metal” song, which is the opposite of the image of the office where the staff wrote and composed the song, was released on “Youtube” on the 31st, to encourage young people to be interested.

The video is 3 minutes in total, and the staff in suit suits the work of the city hall while dancing to the song screaming with a violent drum and rhythm.

Then, the five characters of “Nagahama” are compared, and “Persons who actively challenge everything” and “Persons who work hard and persevere to the end” are introduced.

It is after March next year that official recruitment of staff begins, but the city wants to be interested by publishing videos as soon as possible.

Mr. Kenji Ueno, Nagahama City Regional Medical Division, who was in charge of composing, singing, and editing videos, said, “The fact that we were able to produce and publish this video is also because the city is focusing on the challenge. I would like people to take the exam. ”