A widow developed muscular cancer due to her husband's clothing, which was covered with asbestos dust.

Mavis Turton's husband used to work in an asbestos factory as a welder, according to the Mirror. Mavis regularly shoots her husband's clothes full of asbestos dust after he finishes his job and goes home.

Several decades later, Mavis developed symptoms and developed mesothelioma, a cancer associated with asbestos exposure for a significant period of time.

Mavis said: "All this time I remember that my husband was always wearing work shirts and jeans, and after returning home he put them in the laundry basket, and before I wash them, I first shake them from the asbestos dust attached to them to facilitate the process of washing, but I did not imagine These dusts will never live inside me for years to be cancer. "

"It was a big shock. At first I couldn't think about how I was exposed to asbestos until I remembered my husband's clothes and what I was doing with her."

Doctors suspect her cancer may be linked to washing her late husband's clothes.