Pedro Sánchez has summed up precisely the outcome of the eternal separatist leak: "The wreck of a political project is confirmed." The leaders of national-populism responded with the usual disloyalty and gave the saint and sign to take the streets and networks with two words: "Democratic Tsunami." "Wherever you are, stop, go outside." No further explanations, ideas or concepts are needed. Yesterday they gave bast to a lady with the flag of Spain and armed with words and street cutting. Sitting in the Prat, barricades on the AVE roads, cancellation of flights, loads, injured. They followed the blockade in the Hong Kong style, on d-day while taking selfies.

That the mossos have charged the heroes of the Prat with tear gas is a sign that the process is weakening and that the CDRs are afraid of their own fear; they accept passive resistance because they no longer have "reason upset" as was said of the separatists. They know that the Government would give votes to the Security Law and that the kale borroka would take them many years to the chabolo.

The sketchs , the over-actions, the lloric discourses have not been the spark of a new insurrection, so far. In full flood of victimhood and displacement before the sentence, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau , this time has been surprised by his wisdom in saying: "Those who have institutional responsibility should sit down to talk." "The commons will not participate in overemphasis, or rhetorical calls, uncertain or unrealistic proposals to react to the sentence." Then he has qualified his first statement calling the sentence cruel and vindictive. But as soon as the ruling was known, the hired politicians of the State launched a string of lies, false information and headlines without text. Oriol Junquera s, from jail, said the sentence is not justice but revenge. Pere Aragonès declared that the ruling sentences everyone. Rufián commented that it is a savagery, the greatest aggression against Catalonia since the execution of Companys . All separatist politicians incur the twisted, fanatical, injurious verbiage of martyrology. They continue to provoke the State demanding amnesty and self-determination, they insist on illegality.

In politics the peak is as important as the idea, although the voices are full of falsehood. Mallarmé , before the digital era, already said that words have enough strength to resist the aggression of ideas. Of course, poems are written in words, but to take power, ideas and value are needed, not slogans for mobile phones or iPad. With the ruling of the TS we expect a new hailstorm of verbiage.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Supreme Court
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • Hong Kong
  • Spain
  • Catalonia
  • CDR
  • Barcelona
  • Ada Colau
  • Columnists
  • Gabriel Rufián

The noise of the street from the smile to the gunpowder

610.8 km Back to the roads

Spain From the sentence