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In the words of the WHO, food is not a "magic bullet" against the coronavirus. However, a correct diet is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of our immune system. In this article we see what are the most advisable foods during confinement and especially if we are passing the disease.


How many?

Whether you have tested positive for coronavirus, or are quietly quarantining, about half of what you eat should be fruits and vegetables. Trick! If when you look at your plate it looks like the flag of Portugal, with a lot of "green and red", you are on the right track.

Cooked vegetables?

Cook food above 60-70º for long enough to kill the microorganisms. This is always desirable and more so in times of a pandemic. The problem is that cooking vegetables can reduce the amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Remember that steam or papillote are more respectful techniques and that, if you cook them, the cooking broth is wonderful to reuse as a soup or broth from which the soul is resurrected.

Raw vegetables? It's a risk?

There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-19 is transmitted from food. It is different that, like on any other surface, the droplets that come from sneezing or coughing end up being deposited on apples or lettuces in the supermarket and this poses a risk.

Wash them well under running water. You can additionally disinfect by dipping the vegetables in a food grade bleach solution. How much bleach do we put? It is usually indicated in the instructions, but in general, one teaspoon of bleach coffee suitable for food use in one liter of water is sufficient. Leave 5 minutes and then rinse very well with water, drying with cellulose paper.

Canned vegetables?

Choose varieties without salt or added sugar. Peas, beans or canned stew are a good resource if we are sick. Especially if we live alone at home and have to make our own food.


Meats and fish that do:

Choose white meat (for example, poultry) and fish (both white and blue). Despite what "sounds out there," pork is not considered white meat in the Harvard Dish recommendations. Important! Just because someone is passing Covid-19 doesn't mean they can only eat boiled fish or grilled breast. Attractive and suggestive presentations are necessary to whet your appetite and interest in food.

Meats and fish that do not:

Limit red meat. The "limit" recommendation means that the less you eat in that food group, the better. There are healthier alternatives. The WHO, in its nutritional recommendations during the pandemic indicates that a maximum of 1-2 times a week.

Avoid processed meats like sausages or deli meats. They are rich in low quality fats and salt.

Avoid surimi and fish substitutes: fish sticks are sausages from the sea. They have little fish and starch to fill. The flavor is provided by salt and monosodium glutamate.


Three a week? Forget the myth, you can eat them daily. The most important thing is not how many commas but how you cook them. Its protein is of quality and can be very interesting especially to maintain the good nutritional state of people with malnutrition.


Both raw and canned provide quality protein with a long shelf life. They also provide fiber, interesting for those constipation problems that now emerge in confinement.


It is a myth that milk increases mucus. Milk, low-fat cheeses, and 3-4-3 yogurts are also good companions.


Choose preferably whole grains. Another trick for sufferers who must cook food themselves is to buy brown rice prepared in cups to microwave.


How much salt

Limit your daily salt intake to less than 5 g (about 1 teaspoon for the entire day) and use iodized salt. Don't let your hand go with the salt shaker even if you've lost your taste and smell!

Bouillon cubes and other companies

Maybe if you have lost your taste and smell you may be tempted to use condiments or preparations with a high sodium content. Remember that the concentrated broth tablets have more than 50% salt and that soy sauce should not be abused.

Can I have salty snacks?

Although the "boredom of confinement" drags us towards snacking, we must avoid snacks or pickles that are high in salt. What does "high in salt" mean? Look at the nutritional table, they are those that have more than 1.25% salt. Choose raw or roasted nuts instead.


Juices and soft drinks: Limit the consumption of soft drinks or soft drinks and other drinks with high sugar content such as fruit juices, concentrates and fruit syrups, smoothies and liquid yogurts. There is no evidence that liquid yogurts "raise defenses." If you want to take them (they can be comfortable when you are sick) choose those that do not have added sugar.

Cookies? Although they put them for breakfast in hospitals, the WHO clearly indicates in its recommendations that during the pandemic we choose fresh fruits instead of buns, cookies, cakes and chocolate. If the chocolate has more than 85% cocoa, it is OK.


Water is essential for life. It transports nutrients and compounds in the blood, regulates body temperature, eliminates waste and lubricates and cushions the joints. That said, let's not make it a talisman:

If we are healthy adults, drinking according to our thirst in general is sufficient. Babies and older people may have decreased thirst and they should drink water periodically.

If we are sick: Especially if we have a fever, to avoid dehydration, it is important to maintain good hydration. In this case, remember to always have water on hand on the nightstand or near where we are, it is important to remind ourselves that we must drink frequently.

5 "fast food" tips for a Covid-19 sufferer who lives alone

1. Canned vegetables (stew, peas): they are your new best friends, heat and go.

2. Canned legumes (lentils, chickpeas): they are a source of fiber, protein, minerals ... and they are also very easy to prepare.

3. Eggs: they offer the highest quality protein at an unbeatable price. Preparing a French omelette or a hard-boiled egg won't take long.

4. Fresh cheeses and sugar-free yogurts: in the absence of appetite they may be more appetizing.

5. Brown rice: cups to heat are a comfortable resource these days.

3 feeding errors in the pandemic

1. Cookies. Although they have been put for breakfast in the hospital, the WHO expressly discourages them in its nutritional recommendations for the pandemic.

2. Cubes of concentrated broth. Even if you have lost the taste and smell, do not resort to them. More than 50% of its composition is salt.

3. Snacks. Although boredom makes you confined to confinement, forget about those French fries whose sales have increased by 58%. Alternatives? Raw or roasted nuts.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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