
August 27, 2019He killed his ex-husband by stabbing in the street. A 48-year-old woman, at the height of a dispute, started at home and continued on the street, hit the man causing her death.

It happened in Margherita di Savoia, in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani.

According to a first reconstruction the two had begun to quarrel in the woman's house, in Via Frontini, central area of ​​the saline municipality, in the north of Bari. The violent quarrel would then continue in the street, at the peak of which the 48-year-old would have inflicted mortal stabs on her ex-husband.

Useless attempts to revive the victim by the doctors of 118: the man died because of a violent hemorrhage.

The woman was immediately stopped by the Carabinieri of Foggia, who intervened on the spot.