Brigitte Bardot - Solal

While the 45th Cesar ceremony will be held this evening and the director of J'accuse , Roman Polanski, has announced that he will not go despite the 12 nominations for his film, it has just received a particularly strong support. And it is none other than Brigitte Bardot who has stepped up to defend it.

Roman Polanski

- BRIGITTE BARDOT (@brigitte_bardot) February 27, 2020

A feminist gathering at 6 p.m.

The star posted a photo of a handwritten message on Twitter on Thursday. In this one one can read that "fortunately that Polanski exists and saves the cinema of its mediocrity". Distinguishing the artist from the man, she adds that she “judges him on his talent and not on his private life! ". One of his regrets and "never having toured with him"

Even without the presence of Roman Polanski, the Cesar ceremony should be eventful. The annual high mass of French cinema, which will start around 9:00 p.m., will be preceded at 6:00 p.m. by a rally at the call of feminist associations, including #NousToutes and Dare feminism, to protest against the numerous nominations of the film "J'accuse ". Feminists and a section of public opinion consider the director's choice place unacceptable, since he has been targeted since November by a new accusation of rape.


Why Roman Polanski has been rare at ceremonies for a few years


Brigitte Bardot "engueule" Emmanuel Macron, who she says has "no humanity"

  • Caesar 2020
  • Controversy
  • metoo
  • Brigitte Bardot
  • Roman Polanski
  • Cinema
  • Culture