The second comprehensive revision of the National Occupational Classification Ceremony

  First marked digital occupation to cancel telegraph clerk occupation

  This newspaper, Beijing, July 14 (Reporters Li Jie, Ye Zi) Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the newly revised "People's Republic of China Occupational Classification Ceremony" to the public.

  The revision of the ceremony, which was jointly launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the National Bureau of Statistics in April 2021, is the second comprehensive revision since the first National Occupational Classification Ceremony was promulgated in 1999.

  According to statistics, the new edition includes 8 major categories, 79 medium categories, 449 minor categories, and 1,636 fine categories (occupation).

The revision of the ceremony does not make adjustments to the overall structure of the eight categories established in the 2015 edition of the ceremony. Focusing on the requirements of digital economy, green economy, manufacturing a strong country, and ruling the country according to law, the relevant middle categories, small categories and occupations are specially added or adjusted.

At the same time, some categories and occupations have been cancelled or integrated according to the actual situation. For example, two occupations of customs declaration professional and inspection declaration professional have been integrated into one occupation of customs declaration personnel; occupations such as telegraph clerk have been cancelled.

Compared with the 2015 edition of the ceremony, 4 middle categories such as legal affairs and auxiliary personnel, 15 subcategories such as digital technology engineering technicians, and 155 occupations such as carbon sink measurement appraisers have been added.

  One of the highlights of the new edition is that digital occupations (marked as S) are marked for the first time, and a total of 97 digital occupations are marked.

The new version of the ceremony follows the practice of the 2015 version of the ceremony, marking 133 green occupations (marked as L).

In the new edition, there are 23 occupations that are both green and digital (marked as L/S).

  In this revision of the ceremony, in order to comprehensively, objectively and accurately reflect the actual situation of the current social occupational development, the newly added occupational information in recent years has been incorporated into the new edition of the ceremony, the descriptions of some of the original occupational information have been updated, and the dead ones have been cancelled. Profession.

  As the basis for formulating occupational standards, occupational classification is an important basic work for carrying out vocational education and training and talent evaluation.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the release of the new edition of the ceremony, especially the release of new occupations, is of great significance for enhancing the social recognition of employees, promoting employment and entrepreneurship, leading the reform of vocational education and training, and promoting high-quality economic development. .

  The new version of the classics will be officially promulgated after it has been publicized for comments, revised and improved.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will work with relevant departments to formulate or revise relevant occupational standards, and at the same time widely solicit new occupational standards or evaluation norms from the society, and guide training institutions to carry out training in accordance with national occupational standards.