
I got a report saying that I had a big scar on my face in a car accident, but I'm not getting any compensation. If scars remain, you can receive insurance for after-effects, but the standards are vague and disputes are frequent.

Reporter Jeong Da-eun covered it.


Mo Park was in the back seat of a rental car that an acquaintance was driving in January and was in an accident and torn the middle of his forehead.

Even after 7 months of treatment several times, the scar did not go away.

[Mr. Park / Victim of a traffic accident: (Friends) I think I was making fun of this as a joke. Since it's a face and a big wound, why is it like that on the forehead? I'm stressed because I have to remember that day and tell you.] The

doctor in charge judged that the scar would be difficult to completely disappear even with surgery and additional treatment in the future.

Park requested compensation from the National Rent-A-Car Mutual Aid Association, the insurance company of car rental companies, but was rejected.

You should get medical advice from a hospital designated by the union.

In addition, he gave the reason that there is still treatment left, although after-effects should be judged after treatment is complete.

[Mr. Park / Victim of a traffic accident: If I go to the hospital that they introduced me to, the length of the forehead (wound) will shrink further, and I am anxious... You're asking us to file a lawsuit.]

Park said that he requested to receive a diagnosis from a third-party specialized medical institution as per the terms and conditions, but even this was rejected.

According to the enforcement ordinance of the law, a maximum of 19 million won is paid to those who have scars on their appearance, and up to 60 million won if the scars are clear, but there are no specific standards such as treatment methods and duration.

[Lee Gwang-bok / Attorney: Because the detailed standards are not set, the dispute between the victim and the insurance company continues.] Due to the

ambiguous laws, compensation is not done properly and it leads to lawsuits every time, so it is necessary to refine the compensation standards more precisely. There is.

(Video coverage: Hyunsang Kim, Video editing: Seunghee Lee)