(Economic Observation) How can Henan's heavy rain loss insurance industry compensate?

  China News Service, Beijing, July 21st. Title: How can the Henan insurance industry compensate for heavy rain losses?

  China News Agency reporter Wang Enbo

  The heavy rains in Henan have caused disasters, and all parties are struggling to rescue them. How can insurance be used to minimize the losses of the people?

  During this heavy rainfall, the 1-hour rainfall in Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and other places exceeded 100 mm. Among them, the maximum hourly rainfall at the Zhengzhou Meteorological Observatory reached 201.9 mm, which significantly exceeded the insurance industry’s measurement of "torrential rain".

The next question is, what losses can be compensated?

How to pay?

On July 21, Henan, Zhengzhou, the second day of heavy rain, after a night of rescue and rescue, the accumulation of water in the stagnant water section decreased significantly, but there were still serious water accumulations in many places on the street.

The picture shows the streets of Zhengzhou after the flood subsided.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Li Guigang

Avoid accident insurance protection "gap period"

  Heavy rain disasters affect personal safety and even cause casualties.

China's insurance regulatory authority has issued a special document to remind the public that they can consider insuring personal accident insurance to provide more protection against personal accident risks under heavy rain disasters.

  Personal accident insurance refers to insurance in which the insured suffers from an unintentional, external, or sudden accident, which causes physical injury and disability or death. The insurance company assumes the liability for compensation in accordance with the insurance contract.

The insurance industry reminds that consumers who have purchased this type of insurance should pay special attention to the short period of insurance, generally no more than one year, and renew the insurance in time after the expiration of the insurance, so as to avoid the occurrence of a "gap period" of insurance protection, which will affect the normal claim settlement. .

  At the same time, personal accident insurance belongs to fixed insurance.

Among them, the amount of death insurance money is stipulated in the insurance contract, when the insured person dies due to an accident, the amount is paid in the same amount; the amount of disability insurance money is generally paid according to a certain proportion of the insurance amount according to the degree of disability.

On July 20, Zhengzhou, Henan, vehicles passed through the section of the water.

Recently, Zhengzhou has been hit by heavy rains, and the continuous heavy rains have caused serious water accumulation in some streets.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Li Guigang

Auto insurance becomes the "main force" for claim settlement after heavy rains

  During heavy rains, serious waterlogging occurred in cities such as Zhengzhou, causing vehicles to be flooded and soaked. Car damage insurance was the main insurance type for compensation.

Car damage insurance is applicable to compensation for vehicles inundated due to water in the garage, trees and stones falling due to heavy rain and causing injuries to the vehicle.

  It is worth mentioning that before China implemented comprehensive auto insurance reforms in September 2020, engine damage caused by water ingress did not fall within the scope of auto damage insurance compensation, and additional insurance for engine water damage was required.

After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance, engine flooding losses have been covered by auto damage insurance.

  However, it should be noted that insurance companies usually do not cover engine losses caused by the "second launch" of vehicles after flooding.

Therefore, if the vehicle stalls while wading in the water, the owner should avoid re-starting the engine to cause damage to the engine and increase additional losses.

  In the heavy rain disaster in Henan, the reports received by insurance companies were mainly auto insurance.

As of 8:30 on the 21st, CPIC Property & Casualty had received 4163 disaster reports in Henan, including 4083 auto insurance reports; as of 12:00 on the same day, Ping An Property & Casualty had received a total of 20,697 disaster-related reports, including the number of auto insurance reports. 20471 pens.

At present, many insurance companies have launched a green channel for claims settlement to simplify related procedures.

Home property insurance is not insured

  Under heavy rainfall, people with lower terrain may be flooded with water, causing damage to houses and properties.

Home property insurance can provide protection for the main body of the house, house decoration, household appliances, furniture and other indoor properties. It usually involves fire and explosion, falling of objects in the air, collapse of external objects and natural disasters, including heavy rain.

  However, this type of insurance has certain restrictions on the scope of compensation for indoor property.

The reporter checked the property insurance clauses of many insurance companies and found that the subject matter of insurance mainly includes household appliances, clothing, furniture, etc., but not gold and silver, jewelry, jewellery, currency, securities and other properties that cannot be valued.

In addition, home property insurance usually only insures the commercial housing that the insured has legal property rights, the structure of which is steel-concrete or brick-concrete, and is used for self-occupation, and does not cover production and business housing.

  Industry insiders also reminded that Home Property Insurance follows the principle of compensation. Once a claim occurs, it is based on the actual value of the property.

Therefore, when applying for insurance, you need to choose the insurance amount according to your own property situation to effectively cover the risk loss.

Beware of Misunderstandings in Agricultural Insurance Payments

  In the face of severe weather such as heavy rains, agricultural insurance has become an important line of defense for farmers to reduce losses.

By 2020, China's agricultural insurance premium income will reach 81.5 billion yuan, ranking first in the world.

  Agricultural insurance mainly includes plantation insurance and breeding insurance, and its insurance targets basically cover the main crops and breeding livestock and poultry.

At present, some types of agricultural insurance are included in the scope of financial subsidies by the Chinese government. Farmers only need to pay less insurance premiums to obtain risk protection for agricultural production.

  After the disaster, farmers can report to the insurance company in time according to their own insurance coverage, and require the insurance company to go to the scene to conduct inspections and determine the damage.

If there is a disagreement with the amount of damage set by the insurance company and the negotiation fails, a lawsuit may be filed in the court.

  But in this process, we must also guard against some misunderstandings.

For example, the scope of compensation for agricultural insurance currently only covers materialized production costs, such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, mulching, and other inputs, excluding labor and expected benefits.

Moreover, agricultural insurance does not pay for the reduction in production, and generally the compensation can only be paid if the output is reduced to a certain extent.
