The registered trademark is not fragrant, "Sanxingdui Hot Pot" can not cook the authentic spicy flavor

  Tech Observer

  Before the residual heat of "Sanxingdui" had dissipated, there was a wave of trademark cybersquatting.

A few days ago, after media inquiries, there have been more than 200 registered trademarks. In addition to "Sanxingdui", there are also "Sanxingdui Hot Pot" and "Sanxingdui Civilization Messenger", covering various fields such as leather goods, education and entertainment, and alcohol.

Fortunately, the status is mostly "Applying".

  Is this kind of operation a bit familiar?

In recent years, whenever there is a hot spot, there has been a trend of cybersquatting.

In the eyes of some people, those symbols with special symbolic meaning are simply cash cows with their own traffic.

It is as large as a national weapon such as "Sky Eye", as small as a grassroots figure such as "Ding Zhen", and even has anti-epidemic hot words such as "Huoshen Mountain" and "Thunder Mountain".

Anyway, squat staking whatever is hot, let's talk about squatting first.

  Behind such "hot spot" cybersquatting, there are often corresponding appeals for interests.

Some people do not use it for practical purposes, but regard malicious cybersquatting as a business.

Those registered trademarks, whether they were hoarded or sold, have actually been secretly marked with prices.

  Not long ago, the reopening of Sanxingdui excavations has earned the public's attention, and an unearthed appliance that resembles a hot pot has particularly attracted attention.

Some netizens joked that it seems that Sichuanese have been passionate about "hot pot" for some years.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, "Sanxingdui Hot Pot" was remembered and appeared on the list of trademark squatting.

  The registered trademark is not fragrant, "Sanxingdui Hot Pot" will definitely not cook the authentic spicy flavor.

Similarly, the "Sanxingdui Civilization Messenger" can't see where the civilization is.

In order to catch up with this hot spot, there are also some areas that are completely unrelated to Sanxingdui. They rushed to register the brand names related to Sanxingdui, which is quite ridiculous.

  The world's bitter and malicious squatting wind has lasted for a long time!

  The people have called, and the government has responded.

We are very pleased to see that the Supreme People's Court has further strengthened the regulation of malicious squatting of trademarks.

Since March, the State Intellectual Property Office has launched a nationwide special campaign against malicious squatting of trademarks. Wherever attention is paid to the names of major technological projects, scenic spots, and names of public figures, it harms public interests or Those that have a negative social impact are all included as targets of "strike hard".

  This time the person who rushed to register the "Sanxingdui" trademark happened to hit the "muzzle."

Under the precise strikes by the intellectual property and judicial departments, those trademarks that are "applying" will definitely be "cold."

  The chaos of trademark cybersquatting has been around for a long time, and cracking down on it will not take a day.

Serious illnesses should be treated with strong medicine. For those trademark squatting behaviors that have a high degree of social attention and strong public feedback, the relevant departments must dare to show their swords, dare to strike, and dare to punish them.

  Deal with a batch, publish a batch, and deter a batch. Only when the law is hardened, there will be no hot spots or shortcuts for malicious squatting of trademarks, and the black chain behind trademark squatting can be finally cut off.

  let us wait and see!