Night flights are known as those that take off late at night, arriving in the early morning, as travelers arrive in another time zone with a full day in their new destination, instead of arriving in the middle of the day or evening and losing a full day on the plane. These flights are cheaper compared to those scheduled at other times, according to Cheapflights, the travel reservations company, which indicated that for people who have no problem sleeping during the trip, this can be a good and cheap option, and they will not pay for a hotel night. Additional as a money saving strategy.

The company stated that night flights are usually less crowded in general, so travelers may be surprised with an empty seat next to them, and have more space to help them sleep, and they will likely get their preferred seat, given that fewer people fly on these trips, sign That the airports are usually quieter at night, so access and inspection procedures are shorter and more efficient, as they are likely to get their belongings faster in their new destination.

The company advised travelers who choose night trips to reserve a seat next to the window, as this will reduce the chances of being repeatedly awakened by other travelers, and will provide them with a place for head rest, as well as choosing comfortable and loose clothing with the presence of bedding, and the same applies to the neck pillow and earplugs Ear and eye mask. Cheapflights stressed the importance of avoiding caffeine before the flight, and contenting themselves with a small, balanced meal before boarding.