Teller Report

Deputy Turov called the statement of the State Department about the "control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" over Mariupol disinformation

4/22/2022, 8:00:37 PM

A member of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Artyom Turov, in an interview with RT, commented on the statement by a representative of the US State Department that Ukrainian forces allegedly retain control over Mariupol.

“Those statements that are regularly made by representatives of Western countries, NATO countries, they are misinforming and work primarily for the citizens of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance and for supporting the nationalist regime that is now in Ukraine,” the parliamentarian believes.

He stressed that the behavior of the national battalions and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Mariupol "is comparable to the actions of Syrian militants."

“This confirms that the same countries are the customers of the actions.

This is done according to the same patterns - the destruction of civilian infrastructure, residential areas, cover by the civilian population and the disruption of the work of the gum corridors," Turov said.

Earlier, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Ukrainian forces were still holding Mariupol.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov called this statement "fake" and "direct aiding terrorists."

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