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Screenshot from professional golfer Georgia Ball's TikTok video


georgiagolfcoach / TikTok

Georgia Ball wasn't actually expecting on-site spectators when she took a few swings with her golf club on a practice range to show her more than 150,000 followers on TikTok how a real professional plays golf.

But while the camera was already rolling behind the coach and professional player, she suddenly heard a voice from next door: "Excuse me, you shouldn't be doing what you're doing."

The following scene apparently appealed to more than just golf fans: the man, who cannot be seen in the video, repeatedly gives the young woman advice on how to execute her swing.

He deliberately interrupts Ball's explanations and also ignores her eloquent look.

Instead, he proudly states that he has been playing golf for 20 years.

When Ball finally delivers an undeniably exemplary shot, you hear the patronizing comment.

"You see, it worked out much better that way." Ball obviously doesn't feel like having a deeper conversation, but thanks him politely: "Thank you very much for your advice."

The man leaves with a friendly "No problem" while Ball goes back to her interrupted training.

Everyday phenomenon captured by chance

The short clip has now been viewed over eleven million times on TikTok alone, and Ball has reached twelve million users on Instagram.

In an interview with the BBC, the professional golfer from Liverpool said the conversation was a bit awkward at the time, but she didn't pay any attention to it because she wanted to concentrate on her golf game.

Only later did she see the humor in the scene and post it for her fans.

This obviously hit a nerve.

Many people describe their experiences with so-called "mansplaining", which women in particular are familiar with: older men in particular assume that the person they are talking to is incompetent or inexperienced, impose their advice and do not react to subtle hints.

“It makes me angry how he keeps interrupting you,” writes an Instagram user.

Others make fun of the uninvited conversation partner: "He's been playing golf for 20 years and doesn't notice when he has a professional in front of him," scoffs one user on Instagram.

Many viewers admire Ball for the calmness she shows in the conversation.

"I'm not the type of person who tells others that I'm a golf professional," says Golf in an interview.

The advice was not bad in itself, but rather an expression of a positive climate in which golfers tried to help each other.
